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Xbox One Let's hear it for those ark friends that never bent you over a table. Seriously, tell...

  • Thread starter Mark Daniel Kenny-Haze
  • Start date

David Ghobrial

Spencer Breneman

Yashira Estrella

I miss my tribe mates! Kevin Pryor Fabian Vredeveld Maaike Karsten James Dark Andrew Bryant you guys were the best

Bryan Marte

So we met on the island right? We just started randomly shooting each other with tranqs jumped around, trying to dodge them, all while we both violently cursed each other out like as if we were Australians.
After she shot me straight on the head I said "If ya let me go, I'll be ur good ole jolly man slave" She took me up on that offer and I've gained so much of her trust we've actually met in her state which is Texas. Went for some coffee and all.
All of what I said was a fairy tail that'll never happen because I'm antisocial both ingame and out.

Caton Beauchamp

right on man good for you guys i have been saying this for years. just cause you haven't met someone in real life it dosen't mean they should not matter.

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