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Talking Point: Nintendo Switch Turns 3: Challenges Await, But What A Ride So Far


Staff member
Switch is maturing like a fine wine.

It's a cliché that the latest thing is often branded the greatest thing, but when it comes to video games it's a difficult notion to escape. Every piece of software and hardware builds on the foundation of what came before and, more so than in any other medium, a sequel or successor stands a very good chance of improving on what came before. Your current console is the one delivering new surprises and delights; the exciting, living platform you're in a relationship with right now.

With the whirlwind of hype and media - social and otherwise - surrounding new releases, it's easy for gamers to get swept up by the zeitgeist and label the latest flavour of the month 'The Best Thing Ever™'. It's something reviewers have to be conscious of in a way the average fan needn't worry about too much. The real joy when it comes Switch and its catalogue, though, is that it really is worthy of the superlatives thrown its way. It's now exactly three years since Nintendo launched Switch following the commercial bum note struck by Wii U, and thankfully for the company as well as its fans it clicked almost immediately with a broad audience. In three years it as amassed such a bulging, top-quality library that it's hard to argue Nintendo isn't at the absolute top of its game right now. That's one hell of a feat given the tremendous heights it has hit in the past with beloved, formative consoles like the NES and Super NES.

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