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PC So I've been trying to improve my aim over the last year.....and I just considered...


Aubrey Byrd

^^^ It will be like learning to ride a bike, but you will thank yourself/me for it.

Sam Kim

Speaking of which, anyone have suggestions for someone with tiny hands as well?

Skylar Riddle

There technically is no yes or no answer it's what's comfy and what gives you best performance. So size wise it looks tiny but check out the pros and see how they apply their hands to the mouse and adjust mouse or hand on mouse to see how you like it. Also use the training room. I've seen an increase in my game play since using this method. I have the Logitech mouse Artemis I think is what it's called

John O'Hara

I used to use razer mamba, but now I use Logitech g501 (bigger mouse) and I feel like my grip is more natural.

Sarah Gray

The steel series rival 300 is an awesome mouse it is a bigger mouse but it’s super comfortable and durable

Joris Kelderman

If your hand can lay down comfortably on your mouse, your fingers don't cramp and you can move freely without moving your shoulders/arms a lot it's fine.
Tho I see your fingers are pretty bend when you use LMB and RMB, I don't know how this responds to your comfort, but it might help to get a bigger mouse, just try them out in the stores.

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