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I've been thinking of trying to practice with Pharah more. Any good tips on how to...


Skyler Gunnell

I've been thinking of trying to practice with Pharah more. Any good tips on how to improve, when I fail miserably with her?

Justin Liew

I train on qp by making sure my directs hit.


stay high :)

John Calderon

It’s all about leading shots, knowing your surroundings. She is super powerful especially when left unchecked which happens a lot in QP. Obviously she is situational depending on maps.

Ryan Tomburo

Sneak with her ult. And also stay high and when damaged. Stay behind cover and drop

Ryan Tomburo

When they have a soldier I fly lower to get the soldier wondering where you are and focusing on the team

Lina Martinez

Welcome to the light, my brethren.

Use concussion blasts to boost yourself, or to push people off maps for environmental kills.
Never stop flying. Most of the heroes have trouble hitting vertically.
Try not to ult in close quarters, or next to something solid. Or, a deflecting Genji. Or a flying
Work on your aim. A solid hit does a lot of damage, but splash damage isn't bad either.
Kindly request a Nana boost

Luca Mihai

try and practice predicting their movement and you'll get some nice body shots without realising it

Syam Zaini

im Pharah's main and im approved all of these tips *thumbs up

Mark Purdy

I've got a whole playlist on how to improve playing Pharah - lots of great guides, you'll definitely improve :)


Koko LaNoire

So. Someone in there said “stay high” that’s what you don’t wanna do 70% of the time.

1. You’re a great flanker.

2. Take out your hunters and here’s how. You spot or hear a widow. Hit these feet on the ground real quick and wait to locate her by either seeing her shots or ask a teammate where she’s located. Now hunt your hunter. You can’t do shit anyways with her being there so take her down. Same rule applies to anyone hunting you. Get them out of the way they will not leave you otherwise.

3. One direct rocket is 120 damage. Hot two of those, you two shot almost anyone. One shit tracer if boosted.

4. With the given information above, you will come across soldier 76 who apparently counters Pharah really hard. He does if you don’t take him out. Anyone you let shoot at you counters you. So here’s how you counter soldier. Go down in his face. You can him he can’t. Just careful about the helix it’s a straight up -100hp.

5. The only things you shouldn’t be mad about dying to is mcree ult and soldier ult. Unless you hear them and for some bloody reason you go higher at sight when he clearly says “IVE GOT YOU IN MY SIGHTS”

To successfully maneuver around as you wish, you must have a good hold of your fuel and concussion blast. For that I guess you can find guides on how to use concussion blast. You can create your own style. But it’s an ability that shouldn’t be overlooked. Environmental kills pay well. In fact, with your kit, you should be able to stay in the air forever. But of course that’s most likely not a good thing to do. Sometimes yes, if there is no threat. Then be a sky bitch.

Practice makes perfect.

Koko LaNoire

Oh I forgot one more thing. Some other bitches wanna pick pharah to counter you? About that. Make sure you’re above her to kill her. Below is much harder to land shots. But not impossible. If you’re above her you will most likely kill her first.

Koko LaNoire

^Pharah main.

Chris Bayer

It's all about predictions and splash

Koko LaNoire

Why would you prioritize splash when you can focus on direct rocket hits. It’s 120 damage

Koko LaNoire

Besides in comp, if you have high stats in direct rocket hit, weapon accuracy, rocket kills and so on, you get bonus sr if you do better than the average pharah. So playing based on splash doesn’t do anything good for you lol

Koko LaNoire

Average pharah of your sr range lol I think

Aadil Saqib

Gold DPS mains*

Shaun Combrinck

first practice flying for long periods of time without needing to land. can do that on the practice range
next practice avoiding damage while in the air, quickplay, custom and arcade are good for that
the practice aim hit targets and predicting where they will be by the time the rocket lands.
last but not least learn the best places to move as phara, where you can sneak to because if they can see you they will die.
and lastly pharas ult is not for killing players, its for finishing off fights that are already going on.(if phara ults she is an easy target and the ult can be dodged) fire at targets that cant see u or cant evade.

Dika Yuuki

you know, the floor is lava

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