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“Moira where are the heals???!? God you suck!” I was solo healing and we still won......


Mike Ha

It doesn't matter if your moira or mercy attached to them for healing they will always bitch about something. We had a match last week where I put out 27k Healing on Moira and someone was still complaining about not getting enough heals.

Gabe Griffin

DPS that constantly overextend to chase elims and don't stay with the group can eat shit lol. Moira is a solid healer but only when the team sticks together.

Matthew Robinson

I play with you fucks and all of you insta lock dps so get off this udes back. I know you as a community dont know what its like to try to fit a good healer to a comp or what its like weighing what kinda of tank to play when yall are going 4 dps and a lucio. I say great job man. Let the salters be salty andd hit that mute button

Daniel Guzman Urbina

Dont worry i got the same words from a guy and my card was 19k total healing 4 k solo heal

Marie Kathryn

The healing isn't much.
But with 2 flankers and a pharah who might not have ever come down for heals, good job

Ben Suskic

This post really shows you how shitty the overwatch community is. You already did the right thing playing healer but still get hated on. If you need more healing play anither healer. Dont baah the only onw you have. Also moiras healling has a limit, and as far as prioritizing her heals, heros like genji,tracwr, and phara are always the last ones on my list. Since i wast more healing then i do actually healing them cuz they dont stop moving

Sam Skott

*makes a post to show off Moira stats*

*realizes no one is impressed*

*edits post so it doesn't look like he isn't bragging*

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