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Switch I got rid of my PS4 (Sold it) the same day i bought my nintendo switch. I could not be...


Rob Emanuel

I love the hell out of my Switch. This has been the year of the Switch. It's gotten me excited about gaming again like when I was a kid drooling over the N64. I just got BotW and Odyssey. Amazing. I also have MK8D and lots of great indies like Stardew Valley, Cave Story, and Sonic Mania. I'll be getting Splatoon 2 and ARMS (fun with the kids) soon as well. I couldn't be happier with the Switch.

Rocco Bennett

Mario zelda mario kart STAREW VALLEY

Luis Maldonado

I enjoy my switch very fun system, but also enjoy my ps4 wii u, wii, gamecube, 3ds, vita, 3 in 1 system and my pc. Very happy to have all my consoles. Oh my xbox one is ok.

Rob Emanuel

I'm looking forward to big 3rd party games too--DOOM, L.A. Noire, and Gear•Club Unlimited. I was hoping Forces would be worth a pick up as well, but sadly it looks like another turd.

Donald Thomas

Oh. Don't talk bad about their indies around here. Ha ha.

Gia Plocicki

I could never sell a console (I’m a collector that’s why lol) but I love both systems but I love the PS4 a bit more. I play it WAY more. And it’s not that I don’t love Nintendo. I think it may be that all my life I’ve wanted an Xbox or PS4 and my mom would never get me one cause of the games or some shit. So I finally bought a PS4 last Christmas lmao (I’m 19 now)

Michael Joseph Peter Clinton

Man I have my PS4 and would never give it up I love all my Nintendo systems not just switch for someone to make this point is good but not my way as I love Nintendo But would never give up my PS4 !

Matthew Solomon

My PS4 and Switch both Coexist right next to each on my tv stand. I love my Switch, and while it is getting great content, there are still games that I want that are only being announced for PS4 and Xbox One. So I still get plenty of use out of both. Plus PS4 is my blu ray player too.

Cory Steppe

I could sell my old ps2 and games. And make enough to buy a switch and zelda. But I going be keeping my ps2 for life.

Andres Vladimir Rivera

Love my ps4 more then my switch tbh my switch is collecting dust rn

Coralis Artigas

I haven’t touched any other system since I got my switch 2 weeks ago haha
My PS4 and switch are all I need ❤

Jason Phung

Milton Chan Enoch Chan best decision to sell PS4 and get switch

John Gomes

I sold both my ps4 slim and PSVR as well got about $1000 for both so in a way it paid off my Nintendo switch and accessories and games etc, I have about 13 games some physical and rest digital, I only keep certain games physical, I'm an Xbox gamer and I'm also excited to pick up my Xbox One X on November 7th, as I currently have an Xbox One S. Oh and off subject but who's excited for Assassin's Creed Origins today.

Colin Beedell

Much as i love switch id never get rid my ps4 never with the new spiderman game coming next year and wolfenstein 2 just released gran trurismo hell no ps4 is brilliant console

Stephen Worth

I sold my PS4 and bought the Switch in March. Online subscription to psn gone up in UK in September more expensive than Xbox and Switch to play online.

Aaron Briggs

I love my switch while I didn’t get rid of any consoles for mine I hardly play either my Xbox and ps4 heh

Colin Beedell

Gd games are gd games i got a switch for pick up n play fun games ps4 for hardcore gaming i love my ps4 and my switch

Sal M Somma

I sold my PS4 to get a new 3DS last February....I was hardly playing the PS4 and wasn't crazy about the lineup of games....I have no regrets at all selling it.

Jeremy Irasusta

Sorry, can't relate. I have a PS4 Pro, PC, and Switch (along with older consoles) and simply play games that interest me. My enjoyment from them isn't derived from or dictated by the platform they're on.

Judi Dupuy

I love the switch, but I still also love our ps4, ps3s, Wii, Wiiu, n64...I can't imagine choosing one.

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