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Switch Alright, I'm getting into too many arguments with immature children on here about the...


Jacob Stafford

It would be even more expensive to replace/repair the system if you usually go the cheap route.

Melanie Stump

Just move the furniture. I gotta do the same damn thing but I do it cause I'm not lazy. Yes it's tedious but Oh Well. And if you just move it when you need you won't need to waste your money on shit that just messes up your console :)
Plus if youre willing to buy something that's $300+ then spending a bit of extra money on the proper accessories shouldn't be that much of an issue. :)

Anders Højd

Same here, but i havent bought a 3rd party dock. Think i'm doomed to have it in the living room :p

Paul Toderas

Sorry dude but your post screams of idioticy.

Of course your will be insulted if you act like a ten years old.

Everything you wrote here is a typical butthurt reacting of people who get upset when the world does not spin as they want it. Nobody cares of your setup and financial problems, that won't chance the facts that are out there.


Reggie Dupre'

I think it's interesting that this post is getting 50% support and 50% hate.

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