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Mercy pick rate has gone down by a CRAZY 80%+ since the meganerf. Did everyone expect...


Cheyenne Sadowski

All the mercys that dont deserve to be playing mercy are gone, and now the skillful ones are remaining. best thing to happen in OW.

Brenton DeBusschere

Love the changes to mercy. If she does get any buffs it should not be to rez.

Ana Arteaga

Like someone else said, a lot of the Mercies that don't deserve to be in certain rank are gone, leaving the good ones in said rank. Lately I've actually been getting good Mercies, something which was completely rare for me pre-nerf (if they got stuff done it was because of how strong she was, not because of skill). Even with the huge nerf they've managed to still be useful, which means the nerf has definitely helped the Mercies that are actually good.

Best nerf thus far, in my opinion. Comp has changed a lot, for good, since then.

Beau Popkin

It wouldn't surprise me if they do buff her in spme way to make her fun to play. But the rez nerf was necessary. I think her pick rate will continue to decrease as people pick up other supports now. But that doesn't mean she is balanced now. Id say she's now under powered but it'll be easier to find that happy medium now that she's not insanely op. Someday.

Brendon Alexander

Its great this way. So, only players that are actually good with Mercy, use her, while everyone elswere never good with her to begin with, and were just relying on her op crap.

Shawn Pierce

Saw this coming a mile away....she's not viable right now

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