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Switch Is it worth it to buy Super Mario Kart 8 deluxe on switch if you have a copy on...


Jess Savory

My husband bought it on release day, we played, we saw and had fun but then he sold it for the same price to CEX the day after, still got my WiiU version though

Benjamin Sullivan

I got it because it has all the DLC and I didn't get any of that on the Wii U. Also the online multiplayer is always fun, as is playing local "couch" multiplayer.

Joseph Loveland

I recommend getting it if you like the game. If you aren't a huge MK fan you aren't missing a ton, other than the upgraded graphics and portability and of course Inkling Girl.

Paul Vaughn Jones

Id sell it and get it on the switch. I mean local play and playing anywhere its soo good. I think the game will age better on the switch. Years later youll prefer playing on the switch i feel.

John Lachovych

The WiiU version was with a digital bundle,but gonna get the switch version most people say it's worth it and I will get longer support with it anyway,and have a physical copy,thanks for the input :)

Ryan Dale

It was pre-installed on the used Wii U I got, but I mostly got the Wii U for HD Zelda ports (ww and tp). So when it came out for the Switch I got it for the portability and all the new features. I just didn't see myself playing it on the Wii U with all the other Wii U games I want to play, and I don't get much time in front of the TV as it is.

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