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Hey guys wanna main tracer any tips Specialy about aim mine is the potato one lol


Wa Ssim

Hey guys wanna main tracer any tips
Specialy about aim mine is the potato one

Caleb Popan

Practice in the training grounds thing and just track the moving bots at the head while they move and you moving, don't shoot just track it so you get the feel, then try it with a blink then more blinks, and work on you map awareness, know where you'll end up if you blink backwards or sideways, and shen you recall, and target healers, you're supposed to be in the back lines annoying the enemy team to distract them from the objective, and be smart with who you can pick off, Road-hog, and Mcree, are some counters so be careful with them, and don't always wait and save your pulse bomb to take out like 5 people, using it on a healer, or low tank can really help

John Kaba

I made an all Anna head shots only custom map. Then I made another where only the Annas can head shot and put ult up to 500%. And I just blink around and try to get a kill in 1 clip. And practice throwing the pulse bomb and getting it to stick.

Felix Laplante

Set your sensitivity high I do that for both Tracer and Junkrat

Mathieu Berger-Latour

Go play Osu mang

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