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Hey guys, I built a new PC a few weeks ago and I have quite a few questions. 1) My...


Tass Twitch

No need to be an ass. Everyone here has been extremely helpful and I'm grateful af for how nice everyone except that Bear douchebag have been.

No I'm not overclocking (yes I did already answer that).

My PC is experiencing random crashes (to the point where I have to hold down the power button to turn it off) and occasional blue screens, but I'm not convinced that it's related to the CPU - in which case it doesn't need to be addressed in this thread because I can only focus on one thing at a time lol

Jordan Erickson

With air cooling on a 4960k i5, my Max is 60c, also, this is in a case with 1 fan.

Not kidding.

John Basson

In my opinion the liquid cooling system should have had two fans, and if not then the pc should at least have 2-3 intake at the front to make sure things stay cool.

Larry Deckard III

Get the Captain 240 EX

Joey Nath

See Layla White you could have talked to Tyr Chlis about your problem but you worry too much about them people than your pc now you not gona know nothing what's wrong with your pc worry too much about this people time than your pc good luck

Wayne Lee

What case?

Sagar Sainger

All I think that Is wrong with your build is the CPU block placement turn it around 180° and yes I do feel they RE a little stretched but if u will turn around CPU block it should release the stretch and tension of the liquid tubes , otherwise radiators should be put in intake only because ur temps will rise if it's a exhaust due to hot air from gpu running to the radiator. And yes your temps are just about fine

Junior Ferguson

Layla, i would def turn that block upright and/or switch that rad to the exhaust end of the chassis

Tass Twitch

So far all I have done is change the radiator fan from exhaust to intake, and it seems to have dropped the temps a fair bit - between 5 and 10 degrees! But in saying that, I have only just turned the PC on and loaded up the game I was playing when I hitting 70c (PUBG for the record lol), maybe temps will rise a bit once the PC has been on for a few hours? I'll monitor it for the rest of the day.

Also yeah I'll def rotate the cooler eventually, just can't be bothered right now because it's not the easiest thing to do (the Antec mount is horrible to apply)

Tass Twitch

My PC is definitely louder now though. Annoying because I stream/record

Brandon Johnson

Just go with a custom loop and bigger rads..

Spencer Taylor

Real hard to get a good pic, got a custom loop with 360 rad.

Joe Axelsson

1. It should be less, reapply thermal paste and try again.
2. in a case like yours, put all exhaust on the back, all intake on the front. Have a good flow on air through the case this way. Top should be for radiator but you can use this also for exhaust. or intake.
3. Any stretching or stress will cause pressure point and eventual leaks. Random guy was right.

Tony Li

i suggest exhaust for the radiators since you wouldnt want hot air from the radiator to go in the case, but if you have other coolers inside...

Phon Phanith

Same my case but red

Dylon Burkart

im not an expert with the computer cooling but i am aware of hydronics and loops, cooling ect.

a rule of thumb would be that your always going to want air flow through your case. without an intake your not moving the air and as a result your going to have a hotter machine.

the radiator should on the exhaust so that your getting rid of the heat rather than adding it to the case.

the only issue i see with the radiator and the dude mentioning the cracking/ possible leaking in the future is the connections and so to have a nice loop instead of a direct line like that would be easier for it, which is obtainable if you move that rad to the back.

all in all i think just moving the rad to the back and one fan up front you should see improvement. fresh air to tower, and out and rad should be returning cooler liquid :D

Phon Phanith

U should rotating ur cooler see the letters upside-down?

Phon Phanith

try this mode ! it will make u pc -0c

Putu Rudolf

25°c on idle 240mm captain ex aio .

Ben Stocks-Mason

I think for better results you would benefit from putting the rad as a push pull system on the back of the case (120mm fan near the IO) have your pipes at the bottom so the pump works with gravity. Put the pump into the cpu fan header and fans in to the cha_1 fan header and set cpu to 100% speed with cha_1 at turbo.

This is how I set up my dads yesterday after finally getting him on water cooling. And his temps get to 46 degrees in games at max load on a 120mm x 120mm x 30mm rad in push pull.

Get two 120mm fans on the front as an I take and one on the top as an exhaust.

When you have the money buy a 240mm x 30mm cooler and put it on the front like I have mine in the s340

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