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Guys , please stop looking at Oversumo / different shitty stats websites and...


Remus Malutan

Guys , please stop looking at Oversumo / different shitty stats websites and especially stop to think youre a Top500 player stuck in silver because the website tells you that.

For example :
Its a difference playing a Pharah on silver or on GM/Top500 level. When you got a low SR then most hitscans wont hit you and shots in a general direction = loads of kills and accuracy % gain. Guess what , on GM 1 hitscan is enough to force you off pharah or at least make you play extremely careful.

Also the website doesnt tell you about the second most important thing in gaining SR : Gamesense.

Since Oversumo / all other shitty stat websites are literally about stats it means that you almost get 0 info out of it.

Thanks for reading and sorry for crushing some of y'all dreams in becoming a Top50 Oversumo Genji.

Carausu Andreea

Well it is debatable, I've seen Masters and GM's look at those sites. Using your example with pharah I can say it is true! I've carried games with pharah when I was in silver cuz they just couldn't deal with me, but later in gold to plat I just went safe with D.Va, Orisa, Ana or Zen (rarely), Pharah could've been risky.... But then again being flex never lets you go dps XD. Anyway, I think it is a nice way to track performance compared to others in your rank. Those "GM" stats just show you overperform with that hero for your rank, not over everyone XD But I agree on the gamesense part :3 Just like medals, 5 medals good on you, no use if you couldn't win or make your team better with that XD thooooo I do as tank complain if I have gold, like, helloo!! dps wake up!! lol

John Kaba

Oversumo is good for checking you day to day progress. I used to to help my game sense. If I see that u had few elims but a lot of damage, I know I have to concentrate on confirming kills and not doing trash damage and charge enemy ults.

Remus Malutan

Tbh I kinda get the day to day progress but still, I see so many comments of people who think they belong in GM because Oversumo tells them that, just was kind of an open letter to them that stats dont mean that much in OW (Like Goldmedals, Kills etc.) since its a teambased game and not an ego-shooter.

Ruben Moreels

I'm pretty sure most people who comment they should be gm's and are silver are just baiting man :p

Aadil Saqib

I know a GM Winston and oversumo shows most of his stats as bronze/silver level lmao

Shaun Combrinck

i agree with you, but im a man and if an app is telling me my dick is huge im gona smile all day

Chris Rogow

Lucio: “Look at these stats, I’m gonna look great!”

Kayla Guevara

They changed oversumo and updated the site.. it no longer uses ranking examples instead they use percentages.

Maxwell Stephens

Almost any time I play with pharah the other team is forced to go duel hitscan Or at least have one hit scan and a diva flying way out of position to harass me. This is even up at diamond level.

This is on console so the hitscans aren't as good as PC obviously. Anyway I obviously have the sense to switch off if I take the L early. It's great to use pharah just to get them to switch off of a toxic team comp with junkrat, Orisa, Reinhard, and bastion lol. (Yes I've seen it).

Also know this wasn't the point of the post but that's my 2 cents

Arina Grebneva


Tyler Hulegaard

The website can be useful, but an overwhelming majority of people use it for the wrong purpose.

Paul Chen

The worst stat to live by is that hero rank. Other than that it's quite useful to compare your stats with other same-tiered players. I think people just need to have a 'relative' mindset when checking these pages, not a 'one-stat-rules-all' type. GM Hitscan main here, I see plenty lower-tiered players place better on these stats sites than me. Meh :p

Kim Hughes

Overbuff is good for seeing areas where you're lacking in stats. Like I damage boost a lot more with Mercy because of it. I try to be careful and die a lot less. After 5 seasons I finally got to diamond (which is more toxic than platinum).

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