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Switch Greetings fellow believers! As many of you already know, the Legend of Zelda (LoZ) is...


Brima Kamara

Greetings fellow believers! As many of you already know, the Legend of Zelda (LoZ) is my most favorite video game franchise. The Legend of Zelda has innovated the video game history in multifarious ways, from game design, gameplay and of course, music. With over 30 years of history, LoZ has blessed us with tons of memerable musical scores and themes. Because of that, it would be impossible to make top 10 list of the LoZ best music, but a little bit easier to make a top 20. Come join me on a journey down nostalgia lane filled with emotion and awesomeness. We go as far back to the Zelda II Dungeon Theme, to as the Breath of the Wild Shrine Theme. And themes from games in between such as the Dark World Theme from A link to the past, and Dragon Roost Island from Wind Waker. Make sure you grab some tissues!

Ben Leasor

He also streams splatoon...

Brima Kamara

^ Hey I know you

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