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PC Does anyone else still get the Rendering Device Lost Error message while playing on...


Steven Rosario

Does anyone else still get the Rendering Device Lost Error message while playing on PC? I’ve tried going back to older drivers but still get it every now and then. Last night alone I got it twice in back to back comp matches

Sam Destr Brewer

I tend to get it when Spotify is running but I can run more demanding programmes than Spotify and it be fine

Cody Rock

I had deleted OW, reinstalled all my gpu drivers, turned off any running program from the the boot screen via msconfig. Somehow it worked afterwords. There are hundreds of posts about this particular issue and none of them have the same solutions. Good luck.

Gunnar Henderson

If you have amd try reverting to an older driver that worked for me for about a month, it did it again and then I switched to nividia haven’t had an issue since

Jose Anthraper

I mean this isn't the most practical way to fix it but everyone on the web said if u buy a new GPU the error doesn't come at. All. And I tried that and it hasn't come since :)

Nick de Bruyker

its a general error for when something goes wrong with the gpu, could be software related like corrupted drivers or another program messing around. or it could be hardware like your gpu overheating or heating up too fast (i actually had that problem) i fixed it with installing msi afterburner and setting a custom fan speed, since then ive neevr had the error ever again

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