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damn, people need to make sure they're justified in being salty before they get pissy...

  • Thread starter Claire Nicole Sparkman
  • Start date

Claire Nicole Sparkman

damn, people need to make sure they're justified in being salty before they get pissy on chat. I played Lucio in Numbani, with a quick Widowmaker break to take out a well guarded sheild generator. I was wall riding most of the match, so mostly out of sight. At the end, I was the only one on my team to get a card, and it was for healing. Our Junkrat starts bitching like, "I didn't even SEE them this whole match, bullshit."

Bruh you arent supposed to see your Widow, and I guess he thought he was being magically healed from abouve. And we won, so there was no need for salt

Angie Exohexoh

Jakerat is mad because he is Bad

Kevin Monterroso

The junkrat was bad. If he cant do his job, he was bad.

Claire Nicole Sparkman

yeah, I figured he'd take out all the turrets and the generator, but he just played DPS and tried to 1V3 the enemy DPS half the time

Brett Thielemier

>complains about the play skill of another player
>chooses to play a hero who flat out says "aiming is overrated" while spamming explosives

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