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Switch Been playing Splatoon 2 for the past two days and... I like it, but unfortunately the...


Andrey Mikhnev

Been playing Splatoon 2 for the past two days and... I like it, but unfortunately the game's not all sunshine and rainbows. My main gripes with this it are:

1. Unskippable tutorial that for some reason locks you out of the settings menu, meaning that you can't even turn the motion controls off if they make you sick. And it doesn't actually teach the player about secondary fire options and super abilities. These things are explained in the Canyon, however once the tutorial is over the devs recommend you join an online battle right away;

2. Weird, unalterable control scheme. Why isn't L the designated jump/dodge button? Think about it - you control your character's movement with your left hand and your right hand is used to aim the camera and fire. Forcing the player to use B as the button they have to press to roll out of the way of incoming fire is nothing but a hindrance;

3. The matchmaking system or rather a complete lack of thereof. Oh sure, let's pit the new player we didn't even tell how to use special abilities against a team with level 54 and level 72 players in it. I'm not even kidding that's how my first two battles went. :D And then there are times when one of the teams only has 3 inklings in it. In a game about territorial control there absolutely HAS to be a mechanic that ensures an equal amount of players on both sides. Every time I saw a team go into battle without the fourth player they always lost cause of that one unattended enemy who sprayed paint around to their heart's content completely unobstructed;

4. Again - unskippable cutscene every time you launch the game. It's not even like these exist to hide the loading screens. No - first the game loads and THEN you watch 2 characters talk for a solid minute (all the while spamming the hell out of the A button). Why? Shooters are what people play when they get home from work to relax and let some steam out, why does the game force yet another unwarranted pause on me every time I try to enjoy it? And all that just to tell me which maps are currently accessible in which modes? This information is readily available on the mode select screen! :/

That's not to say that Splatoon 2 is bad. Quite the contrary - I'm writing this in-between matches, but all the things I've listed above kinda seem like pretty obvious, easily fixable design flaws.

Kyoya Kawaii Uzamaki

The third reason is legitimate

Nik Lal

Agreed completely on all counts.

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