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You know what’s always bugged me about the overwatch community? The fact that people...


Hanna Hope

You know what’s always bugged me about the overwatch community?

The fact that people can always find a way to criticise a player or their main. They’ll say things like; “-character- needs no skill to play!” Or “-character- mains are all awful!” Why?! Why do some people feel the need to constantly put down others because of their playing style or their main choice of character, it’s so ridiculous. Every single player in the community has value, they can play with whatever damn character they want to and shouldn’t have to be worried about people insulting them for it. As for the actual heroes, you can’t just claim that certain characters like Symmetra or Dv.a need no skill to play with? That couldn’t be further from the truth, as a Dv.a main myself I know that every character requires strategy and planning to use effectively. Please guys consider this before you jump at the chance to criticise somebody, please.

Rayhan Benhamed

Ego. They feel better when they know their heroes is harder to master so they know not everyone can play x and so they feel good. I often say some heroes doesn’t require AS MUCH SKILLS as others, but i never really said it to someone, maybe this thought is wrong but its how i feel. For instance, i main Ana, and i feel she requires more skills than Sym for example, but i wont tell you your heroe doesnt require skills, its just a thought that i’m keeping for myself

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