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Why don't they buff McCree's abilities? Like reduced cooldowns or something like that....


Kaan Bilge

Why don't they buff McCree's abilities? Like reduced cooldowns or something like that. Right now his abilities are worthless compared to other heroes and the only reason to play him is his powerful revolver.

I hate it when a support can do McCree's job better than him. Brigitte can make a Tracer cry while McCree is supposed to counter her. He is an underpowered piece of shit with that fucking 10 seconds cooldown flashbang, while Brigitte's bash has a 4 sec cooldown and it's much more consistent than Flashbang. Even against Genji the bash doesn't give a fuck about deflect and still stuns him, while it's almost impossible to stun a Genji who knows what he's doing.

It's pretty easy for Tracer to bait the flashbang since she has 3 blinks but McCree has only one chance. Too much room for error for Tracer. As McCree you're at a huge disadvantage if you miss your flashbang since you have 200 hp but Tracer has an effective hp of 300 with recall. However you can survive 4 more seconds for another chance as Brigitte if you fail the bash.

Flashbang is easily countered by any hero just by jumping constantly, if you stun someone in mid air it's useless. And sometimes the flashbang doesn't even work.

Combat Roll is another joke. It definitely isn't useless but many heroes have much better abilities in their kit.

I love playing McCree and I think his revolver and ultimate (Glad it got buffed) are pretty good but that's it. He is a great counter against Sombra because when he gets hacked it doesn't matter, his abilities are shit anyway :D

My suggestions?
Reduce flashbang cooldown to 8 seconds and increase the Combat Roll distance by 25%.

Laeth Thomas

You don't balance abilities around other abilities. A hero's overall kit is what should be considered.

Mccree is in a good place.

Fernando Lopez

Nice bait. Went the distance huh

Kornél Viczli

I don't know about McCree but I feel the same way about Doomfist as you now feel about McCree.

And now that Brigitte is out there is one more hero who counters him entirely.

Laeth Thomas

Of course Brig stun is going to be better. She's a melee hero with awful range. She doesn't have a primary like Mccree so must rely on abilities more

Adib Dimassi

You are missing the point, McCree strength is aim if they give him broken abilities he will become OP




mcree is shit because you dont know how to aim

Shawn Lim Shi Yong

Actually as a mccree main I do feel that he needs a buff but if he does receive a buff, he would be broken. He is in a spot where you are just kill ppl with your basics. His ability are nothing more than clutches. Which most ppl can't accept

Luke Wright

Mcree is pretty damn good if you get good with him. His headshot dps shits on tanks if you can hit them consistently.

Like his kit could do with a little change just so he can use abilities more consistent because he's the most punished hero for missing once as your usually in the middle of the shit but if he's kept the way he is I have no problem.

Like the most they could do is reduce flash by a second.. he's in a place where he feels like he needs one but he'll be overpowered if he gets one any more than like a second.

Mathieu Berger-Latour

McCree is in a really tough spot honestly.
In the right hands, he can be literally one of the best heroes in Overwatch, but at the same time, it’s not a secret that his overall kit is garbage at best. Buffing him slightly might make him way too overpowered, but at the same time, the slight nerf might make him useless.

Jake Thorpe

I'm deceased

Daniel Graham

What I'd change on McCree:
Increase his effective range, 21m is absolute trash compared to the rest of the hitscan roster.
Fix his flashbang, it's terrible and doesn't work half the time.

That's it. Otherwise I think he's fine.

Daniel Marsh

Maybe just don’t miss your shots then? No hero is supposed to be able to walk through other hero’s easily. it’s about team coordination

Daniel Abad Tam

McCree is fine.

Cathy Doropan

Honestly, i love using him because of his far range and high dps. Pharahs get shot out of the sky, you can two shot any 150 hp character, your stun's actually pretty good, you can even tear down tanks as a flanker. I just find it funny that his combat roll is literally a 50/50 chance of succes you either actually dodge a hit or you die trying in the process.

Aksel Ahmed

Why are there so many people whining about nerfs and buffs ? I bet you are low-rank player(not toxic , I’ll explain why) . Low-ranked players have less game sense and not much experience in the game. It’s all about skill .. if the tracer is better , she will win the 1v1 duel against mccree but if he is better he can kill her easily.. he isn’t that mobile and that’s why people dont play him with dive compositions... stop complaining about the game and try harder to be better player ! Maybe you are just bad positioned and that’s why tracer can kill you ? And if he is not that good why Overwatch League players use him THAT much? Try harder , become better and practice a lot

Henry Cain

Probably because Brigitte is an anti-dive hero and McCree is a precision hitscan?

Jamos Attens

Any decent streamers for Mcree?

Shawn Hand

"Its high noon"


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