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What’s everyone’s opinion on the new competitive changes for 3000+? I personally don’t...

  • Thread starter Walter Greenwood
  • Start date

Walter Greenwood

What’s everyone’s opinion on the new competitive changes for 3000+? I personally don’t like it so far because when I’m having a great day and playing really well it doesn’t really matter. Like yesterday i was playing very well and getting gold medals, kill participation cards, etc. but I was also on an unlucky losing streak. So normally i would only lose like 15 - 20 sr because i played well and if i won I’d gain like 30, but now it’s lose/ gain 25 sr no matter how well you play. It doesn’t reward you for being good anymore basically. I also get that it’s supposed to reward you for playing as a team now, but in higher ranks not a lot of people can be super flexible and change to a completely different hero than what they normally play to counter the enemy.

Jeff Robbins

Here's a concept; winning the fucking game signifies that you are good at the game. You are rewarded for winning the game by... winning the game, and getting your 25 points. And in higher ranks a lot of people are actually better at flexing, it's just the whole ranking system gave you incentive to not flex, which goes against the fundamentals of OW. You seem like you might be a moron, you should get that checked out.

Aaron Icardi

No such thing as an unlucky losing streak unless you have BLATANT trolls and throwers every single game. You're probably not playing as well as you think you are.

If you are good and deserve to win you will get the lost SR back in the long run so don't worry about it

David Goulet

Its perfecr

Dan Wells

I prefer it, tank mains dont get great stats so we got like 20 for a win and -30 on a loss

Amanda Kristeen Zimmer

It's a good change. There were too many people in T500 and GM that were one-tricks that wouldn't change if needed. Feuy, Spirit, etc. Not saying they weren't decent but they didn't change even if hard countered so.

Basically, the changes are to make people work better as a team which is what comp is all about.

Mihnea Gogu

It’s pretty retarded. I’d win about 26-29 and lose 22-24. Now it’s win/lose 24-26. It’s like saying “we dont care if you got carried or carried ur whole team, we’ll just give u the same amount of sr. Also if u played like shit and made ur team lose, dw u will lose the same amount as your teammates”

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