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So I just found an Asus 1080 strix on Craigslist, 675 asking He said he used it for a...


Austin Fick

So I just found an Asus 1080 strix on Craigslist, 675 asking
He said he used it for a month for gaming and mining
Real question is, how safe is it buying used gpus,
and is 675 a good price, how hard should I barter with him
Looking to build my first rig for gaming, and haven't started buying parts yet cause I can't justify almost a grand for a good gpu
Thanks in advance

Tim Jelinek

$675 is ok for the state of the market right now. Probably won't be able to haggle much. I would want to see it working in a pc before buying as mining is still hugely profitable so idk why he would want to sell it unless it's broken or something.

Ilija Kostic

I think you should ask him for 650

Tyler Killa

He probably used it for a lot longer than a month and it's probably clapped out from mining.

Austin Fick

I'll try and talk him down, but I'm more curious if it's safe to buy used gpus, and what type of things I should look for

Ghassan Na'imat

650 is a great deal atm

Hasib Emran

Never buy GPUs once used for mining.

Tyler Nanokeesic

If it's only been used for a month for mining right now it's worth the price, remember you can always almost resell for a better newer card.

Austin Fick

That's what I figured, maybe try and get him to prove he got it very recently just for peace of mind

Gary Gerhardt

So I know mining gets a bad wrap, but as someone who uses the same computer to mine and game on (not at the same time obviously) I can tell you mining is less straining on it than gaming is. To hit 100fps at 3440x1440 my GPU is sitting at 60C not matter how much fan it gets, I can keep it at 40C with 50% fan with mining. So while it usually sounds like a server room and horrible for them, if they were set up right it isn't run as ragged as you would think. But you never know when buying used. He could have gotten them back in June and been mining on them from day 1 in a hot ass warehouse, or he could be telling you the truth. Just go into knowing that you might have to RMA it, and it should be ok.

Levy Korody

I think you can get new for that price

Pete Hernandez

That's $25 below MSRP. I would hard pass on that. Especially a mining GPU. I recommend you wait until production catches up with demand. You will get a brand new card around that price

Caleb Lopez Guzman

You don't need a 1080 for first rig. A gtx 1060 or rx 580 will be plenty especially if u do 1080p

Andrew Young Olago

Not a bad deal... Although prices could drop further and you could grab a new one

Zeb Shrader

I'd have to ask if he has any kind of proof he's only had it a month. It seems a little fishy to me that he's trying to get rid of it so soon. I wouldn't be an asshole about it, but I'd have to ask if it was me. I'd also see if he'd take $650 for it.

Jacob Glueck

The question about safe, really hate this term that goes around. Since they have built in set points to save themselves, buying used isn’t an issue since games hit cards 100% like mining. My rig is up 24/7, I’m gaming when I’m at it which used to be a ton of time and the rest idle. Many of my gaming sessions were 16+ hrs long day in day out. Never had an issue. When I buy used I see if it boots or powers on and shows a display. If it does good to go.

Ron Barchuk

My personal rule is I don't buy mining cards. They're over worked and always used longer than people say. Even if it is only a month... no card is designed to run for 30 days 24hrs a day.

Jeffrey Arnold

I mine nonstop with my 1080 ti's when im not gaming, I have not had ANY preformace issues for the last 4-6 months since I got them. Mining does not harm the card despite what others say... Check for dust build up, and make sure its clean, repaste if thermals seem higher than norm.. simple as that

Jacob Glueck

Nothing really harms components besides heat lol. If it doesn’t shut itself off or crash you didn’t harm it lol sinple

Austin Fick

The guy is only willing to meet in a public location therefore wouldn't be able to prove it even works in a rig
And the search continues lol

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