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Switch My girlfriend and I got a chance to go to Nintendo's Summer of Play tour during its...


Evan Marks

My girlfriend and I got a chance to go to Nintendo's Summer of Play tour during its stop at Summerfest in beautiful Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was a terrific event, the coordinators were are very friendly and knowledgeable (although I did ask, and they were all contracted, and not Nintendo employees.) They guided us through their booth which kept lines at a minimal, and we got a chance to play 8 different games. It was a nice chance to get hands on with a Switch (I had never seen one in real life...) even though I was already sold on it. We played Arms (wonderful, I had 100 times more fun than I thought,) MK8, Splatoon 2, Pokken (meh) as well as a few others that didn't leave a huge impression on me.
The most exciting bit was just how much Kellie enjoyed the whole thing. She beat me at MK8, and Street Fighter 2 despite not being a gamer. Her most favorite game was Splatoon 2, and I think we could even get her invested in the system.
After playing all 8 games that were available (some were 2ds, Miitopia and Pikmin,) we collected stamps and received some really great prizes! I got a water bottle and arm warmers themed around Arms, and she got Splatoon temporary tattoos. It was just an excellent experience.
I'm sure I lost most of you by this point, but I'd have to say that if you're not sure about Switch, or if you know someone who isn't, these traveling events are the bees knees. You should look into it if you get a chance. I had never played a Switch, and it didn't really change my mind since I've been sold since that October reveal trailer. My only complaint is that Mario wasn't playable.

Sentric Hiasti

They got a switch thing there really I'm like 45 minutes from summerfest plan on going Thursday and saturday

Ryan Dale

Shortly after I got Arms I showed my wife how to hold the left and right Joy-Cons in "thumbs up" mode after she got a little confused, but she finally figured out how to hold them properly (she's not really a gamer), then she beat me with Min Min. So I said now I won't go easy on you (with Ninjara), and she still beat me.

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