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It honestly feels like I'm the only one who hates smurfs... just can't get behind the...


Matthew Davis

It honestly feels like I'm the only one who hates smurfs... just can't get behind the idea of it

Jonathan Martin

Right there with you

Aztec Sovereign

Get gud

Dominic Radmer

Is simple, they are stuck in whatever elo they are and have to boost their ego by bypassing the overwatch mechanics of keeping a personal statistic for you and finding fitting players. Aka they cheat the system for easy kills so they can post their zomfg ololol look how good i am videos. And well in Comp you could also bypass the system, is harder now. But hey look at the good side of shitty smurfs... they buy 1-10 copys of the game, all money to maintain the servers and pay the blizzard bills! ;) So let them smurf, being a smurf will leave them stuck sooner or later again in their elo, and again, and again ;)

Diego Sanchez

My reason is to blow steam, and to play with friends and help them rank up.

Nomi Sutcliffe

only reason i got a smurf was cos i wanted to play widow and just couldnt get a chance to learn when playig against lvl 200 widows

Sandra Nitschke

Yesterday I played a game where everyone on my team was a fucking smurf like ??????????????????

Matthew Edward Johnson

I don’t have a smurf account.

I have thought about it

Simply because you get placed according to your history of gameplay, and I’ve been playing since day 1.

Which means I’ve gotten waaaay better since then.

But because of my legacy stats, I still place the same as I did back then.

In my mind, it would be nice to see how I would place on a fresh character after having attained better skills.

But I get why it’s kinda douchey too, that’s why I haven’t done it yet

Lee Batres

Im on level 600 on my account and this one time i played on my brothers account level 57 and I destroyed the enemy team. I stopped right after cause it's unfair. Smurfs are absolute bs. Play on ur level.

Alex Betancourt

But is a game fun if you are not challenged by peers. I it’s a very weird practice.

Peter Whitmore

This used to be quite a problem in Quake Live. You're matched into 4 skill tiers, meaning once you make it to the 4th (and it's not that hard to reach), you're up against the best Quake veterans. Many players would create alternate account after alternate account to play in the lower tiers until they got bumped up to 4th tier, then quit and create another account to wreck the amateurs with.

Diego Almenara

Same unless I'm the one smurfing

Kevin Jareczek

The only time I can get behind it is when people want to practice heroes that they're absolutely terrible at but in a ranked environment.

Mathieu Berger-Latour

Depends on what you consider a smurf

Anthony Rodriguez

Tbh I just wanted another account since it was 50% off and to start learning more heroes to use coming back to comp after a while. Am I still a smurf if I'm not a good player My smurf gets matched up with players in diamond and above and I've never even gotten that high on my main but I do alright against them

Louise King

I use my smurf to train in characters I'm not so good with.

Zuri T Porter

A lot of people who smurf are very annoying.

Steven Hendrickson

I play on both PS4 and Xbox, does that make me a Smurf? Honest question, I think of tiny blue people when I hear "Smurf'

Apolinar Montiel

I mean.
I have a smurf account. Mainly because its a genji exclusive account that i use when i want to play with lower ranking friends

Aadil Saqib

I have a smurf account and let me tell you something

After level 5, my quickplay MMR adjusted itself so I was playing with diamonds again, (my actual rank).

My first placement was with people around 2000 SR. After that one game, my next game as with plats and diamonds constantly and I felt like I was playing at my own rank.
I placed around 2950.
Took me two games to get back to diamond and literally end up where I was on my main

I used to be like you thinking Blizz should ban smurfs. After trying out for myself, I've realised it's insanely quick for the SR system to determine where you belong. It really isn't a huge issue.
If by smurfs you mean people that deliberately throw to stay at lower ranks, then yeah. Okay. That's a dick move. But people just creating a second account and then play normally? You won't meet em for more than one game. Max.

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