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"I'm in Bronze/Silver/Gold and my teammates suck! So many fucking trolls!" Yeah well,...


Evelyn Fazzingo

"I'm in Bronze/Silver/Gold and my teammates suck! So many fucking trolls!"
Yeah well, So far while doing my placements (3/10 as of making this post, gonna finish the rest tonight) I've had one good game, the 2nd game someone didn't get Widowmaker so they left, came back and then picked torb and typed in chat they were gonna troll.
Now this game, I had a tracer who died once and then said in chat "Im gonna troll now" and did so all match.
I won 2 out of those 3 games and I damn sure didn't win that one with the Tracer in it. I have the games recorded from my Blizzard Stream, probably will turn it in to Blizzard.
This is 2600+ (This post isn't about me and my personal stats, I know how the Ranked system works, I know . The point of this post is that low rankings think higher rankings are better when they're not, We still get trolls.)

Alaa Yassine

Hey I had someone that had me on his int list and when ever we get matched he throws the game

Mathieu Berger-Latour

I've had people in 4k+ games lmao.
Blizzard's Ban system is automated and amount based. So if someone is experienced at throwing without it being noticed, he can easily throw an entire season without getting a shred of punishment

Mei Bei

Git gud kid

Aaron Icardi

Just don't forget to report these mofos. It's frustrating I know. Yesterday I lost 100SR playing ranked in the morning because of Trolls and Throwers then I went 6-1 in the afternoon and got it all back +40. Don't be discouraged

Rudi Indra A

2600 is still gold

Stephanie Anne DelSol

Theres trolls in every rank... it happens lol the worst is when they go into a game with full intention of throwing.. and its a group of them.... had a game earlier with a 3 stack that decided to troll and wouldnt get off torb and sym when neither of them even played torb or sym... the 3rd did ok he was just being an idiot in chat and occasionally blew his ult for the hell of it... we lost ofc... fun time lol and that was plat... as i said theres trolls in all elos... its just luck of the draw

Pablo Majid

Don't focus on your team, focus on getting better and improving, eventually you will rank up, don't think ''I'm gonna lose SR'' Fuck that, focus on ''maybe I should do this, or we should have that'' it's the only true option to rank up

Sam Walker

How is it 2600 if you haven't finished your placements? Sorry for trolls, send that footage to blizzard and ban those asswipes!

Ben Suskic

Id say it gets worse the closer you are to ranking up. Like a diamon player around all plats is either gonna throw because they think they deserve dps and dont get it or its not even their main so why care

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