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PC Any Bronze / silver players from EU who want to do their placements? I'm a master...

  • Thread starter Pedro Guerreiro
  • Start date

Pedro Guerreiro

Any Bronze / silver players from EU who want to do their placements? I'm a master player trying to start the season at low mmr to make a series on how to climb.

Oscar Ruiz

Doesn't that seem pretty redundant since you're already playing at a masters level?
People don't understand the blatant difference between the skill level of platinum players and masters players, unless you're planning on making a side by side comparison.

Oscar Ruiz

You'll mess up people's comp games while being in lower ELOs and that's not alright

Andrew Servage

theres a reason people get banned for bronze to gm videos. stop doing this crap and ruining games for people.

Kenzie Long

Picking on lower ranked players to make yourself feel good is just disgraceful xD and scummy

Pedro Guerreiro

Did I at any point say it was to feel good? I was honestly going to make an explanation of what seems to be the main problems at each tier division and what you should try to do in each tier... This because in this page and on the overwatch community as a whole there's a whole mimimi about teammates throwing and it's never one's fault, this would be a way for people to reflect on their own mistakes and learn a bit. But whatever...

Oscar Ruiz

I'm not saying your intentions are to go seal clubbing, but that's the reality of it (unless you stop using the account for comp and leave it at low ELO). People who normally cant climb are blindsided by either their inability to communicate, fail to understand their poor positoning, or have poor mechanical skills. I feel like a general tips video won't help many people rank up because they don't understand what they're failing at.

Evan James Jungwirth

Oh you’re going to make like the millionth “how to climb” or “bronze to gm” videos? You’re so original damn I wish I thought of that

Michael Stitt

Jeff even said smurfing is not a bannable offense. It is only a problem when one is intentionally throwing a game. But if they are playing with full intent on winning it is not against the rules. Because his winnings will grant him 75-100sr per win as the other 5 will get their normal 20 or so sr. So he will climb incredibly fast.

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