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Hey guys, here i am like every ends of seasons to ask you how this season 6 went for...


Tommy Jay III

I placed and played 3 games after then said "fuck this"

Flex YS

i want to die

Brandon Aiden Renard

Stayed in dimond this season I think by next season I should be Masters

Rohan Thorat

I started playing last season
Started from 900sr
I hit 3016 sr just before season ended feelsgoodman :v

James Knight

i only played 15 hours because of throwers was placed in Dimond got 3000 at the end and I let myself Decay from 3078-3000 because the season was so shit normally I have 100+ hours and it's not because of people being Toxic I could not care if someone calls me bad it was the throwers and people not careing a comp and because of toxic people and throwers the games dieing

James Knight

placed in master*

Brandon Aiden Renard

James KnightI get you on the throwers I had five games in a row of leavers which put me out of diamond luckily I was able to get it back the next day because that's where I belong but it's just bullshit Because I had to grind like over 100 Sr to get back how they go in the game just the fucking leave I'm just kind of mad that I'm not in a higher Diamond than I was because of the throwers I barely made the cut because I was like on the last 2 of the season when they did it but it's probably because I solo queue but it seems like I can only make diamond or a higher if I solo queue

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