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Hey guys, here i am like every ends of seasons to ask you how this season 6 went for...


Nathie Ri

Hey guys, here i am like every ends of seasons to ask you how this season 6 went for you. Did you all reach your goals? What is your next goal for season 7?
Personally im satisfied with my SR but i didnt reach one of my goals which was to get a new career high. I was struggling in low GM with constant win/loose/win loose and ended up loosing it before the season ended with a big loosing streak So my goal remains for next season

Angel Santini

My highest was 2970, and this season I ended at 2655. This season was pretty bad. My original crew stopped playing ow so it kinda changed Hopefully Diamond next season.

Quenndel Scott


Dan Creighton

Wanted to reach Diamond this season but I just couldn't be bothered at the start of the season. Then Destiny 2 came out so I was preoccupied with that for a couple weeks, so I've only just finished my placements and somehow still achieved a higher rank than last season...

TL;DR surprised, but could've tried harder

शशांक पटेल

Well I gotta get better!
It was my second season
In season 5 I was placed bronze I crawled upto gold
Then in season 5 somehow either I got worse or everyone around me got better since I went back to bronze and here I was dreaming of masters or atleast diamond!!

Patry Leustean

I cant really reach higher than masters with 45 fps, but I am doing pretty well

Eric Austin Yun

Got too distracted by Destiny 2 to even fuck with comp this season tbh

Trần Hiếu

Reached my goal this season, planning GM next season.

Tasha Skiles

I wanted to get out of silver and I almost did it. I had a career high of 1980 I climbed from 1470. I finished in 1850s I'd have made it out but my internet provider started unscheduled maintenance in the middle of a match and dropped me 50sr for DC then I got stuck with shitty players and stuck against a ton of smurfs which dropped me another 50.and I figured I'd just stop and save myself the misery. I'll hit gold next season. I'm a little salty but it's just part of the climb.

Simon Nøttveit

Placed 3400 and reached master (3700) which was my goal. After I got there, I wanted to reach GM but didn’t find time to play so I just stuck around in master. For S7 I want to actually reach GM.

Whitney Leegstra

My goal was Gold. I play comp not that often. Was placed in Silver and climbed to 2100. I got rid of my fear to talk in team voice chat, and got more wins! and maybe I'll hit plat in season 7 :D

Megan Gloux

I was trying to get a new season high and managed to get up to 2600 points before I went on a major loss streak and ended at 2240. I did my placements on a different account playing dps with soldier/reaper (I’m a tank main on my other account mostly Reinhardt, Roadhog, Zarya) and placed at 2784. My goal next season is diamond though I’ve almost got enough points for my first gold weapon for Reinhardt so that’s the first thing I’m striving for

Brianna Guerrant

I stayed in gold, but honestly, this being my first season, I’m pretty happy. Hoping to get into plat in season 7.

Raime Newman

Stayed in plat, pretty happy. I'm just glad I'm "good" at a game, dont need Diamond to make me feel any better but eh, may as well try ^^

Auden Ryan Lewis

i'm actually much more happy with my end of season 6 than i was my end of season 5!

so season 5 was my first season, i joined with about 40 days left and OW was basically my first FPS i really played.

my goals for season 6 were to end in gold, get a new season high, and get more time on more heroes.

season 5 i got to gold (my season high was 2017 i think) but ended in silver. i was also a true to it dva one trick. so i wanted to improve on that a lot.

so season 6 my season high was 2150, i don't remember off the top of my head where i ended because we had a lot of last day throwers/leavers yesterday i think like 2080ish, which i'm still happy with because it's still gold and i did my best.
so also this season i played dva mostly but also would switch to mercy and have several hours on her, and even went back to mei at one point (the very first character i picked up). so not super flex but an improvement and i'm actively working on it.

right now i'm going to be focusing on getting better at more heroes so i can fill more roles. i have the next few in mind that i'm going to work more on.

so overall i'm happy with where i ended season 6. i improved in all aspects from 5 and generally feel like i'm playing better. i was never a FPS type of person and i've never played a game like OW so i imagine if i was someone who played games like that it would be easier for me but i'm fine with this.

for season 7, my ideal goal would be to make it to plat but i'm not sure how realistic that is, but if i can make it to like the 2300-2400s i think i'd be satisfied with that. also i want to be actively playing several heroes and not just dva, she can stay my main by all means but i want to put more hours on more heroes.

so i'm looking forward to how season 7 will go and hopefully i'll look back at this in a couple of months and feel like i've improved again

Stephanie Fufu Lody

I didn't beat my career high of 3003 this season either. My high was like 2970. I pretty consistently hang out in high plat

Ansab Rizwan


Micah Ward-Gleichweit

I left off mid-platinum. I stopped playing the season halfway through though because 8 player free for all, practicing my Hanzo skills xD

Brandon Aquino

I successfully got and stayed out of Plat, finished 3075 after a constant back and forth with my SR. Next goal is high Diamond or maybe even Master

Cory Foster

After diamond, need to catch up to my console account

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