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Alright, you’re in a Gold match on Dorado. In the first round you attacked and the...


Aaron Milne

Alright, you’re in a Gold match on Dorado.
In the first round you attacked and the other team set up on high ground. Your team easily just walked the payload through the choke and took the payload to the end.
On def, the Orisa sets up at the choke, the Ana sets up on highground. Both spam to group up, the entire team except the two supports are at the choke, the two supports are alone on highground.

Other team makes an easy push because the group at the choke had no healing. The Ana and Orisa start abusing each other for being out of position.

Who is in the wrong?

Eddy D. Newgate

If u had two healers I'd say it's the healer that isn't Ana's fault. Ana can aim from high ground at least if her vision isn't obstructed while the second healer shoulda been at the choke holding it down.

Chris Barber

Outside of the 'which strat is better' argument, everyone is wrong imo. Any plan is better than no plan, better to join the silly play than do two half plays

Limxzero --

Depends what hero the other support was. If it's Zen, okay fine. If it's Lucio, he has no business up there.

Aaron Milne

I’m pretty sure the comp was Junkrat, Orisa, Ana, Dva, Zenyatta and idk who else, McCree or Soldier or something like that

Taylor Neil Waddell

Everyone, even if you think your strat is superior the whole team working on one plan will always work better than 6 people with 6 different plans

Aadil Saqib

How can you not get healing....? Ana can heal from high ground easily. Who was the other healer?

Aadil Saqib

Okay just read that it was Zen. In either case, both healers can heal from high ground.
Also, where was the Orisa positioned exactly? Under the bridge?

Sean Patrick Carrigan

Orisa. If they won’t compromise you group up with healer and see how it goes.

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