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Xbox One “Ho Ho, I’m a big tuff guy who uses the community’s knowledge to plot my DDOS-like...


Holly Moore

“Ho Ho, I’m a big tuff guy who uses the community’s knowledge to plot my DDOS-like revenge on a server I was probably legitimately kicked (but apparently should have been banned) from!
Although, I unwittingly proved that the admins/owners actions were valid since I am planning to return to the server and lag it to death, even though I wanted it to corrupt, as you could observe by the post I made earlier.
I am a huge anal-dwelling butt monkey and my parents didn’t hug me enough when I was younger.”

—pic for attention. Also, this animal is called a DIK DIK—

James Madden

Think it's your parents who didn't hug you. Mindst you who'd wanna you really this bored you gotta post about people you dont know? Ill do what i want you attention seeking whore lol

James Madden

I'd word you a slag but you Americans refer to that as metal lmao. And metals a rare resource you're just a common cunt

Mike Larocque


Matthew LaPorte


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