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Widow maker mains asking some questions, so I’ve been picking widow a few times and...


Amar Hakeem

Widow maker mains asking some questions, so I’ve been picking widow a few times and been getting like insane 3 picks over and over again, and I’m wondering if you guys just picked up widow and continue to use her, or did you start using her and figure out your good as her, I never played her cause all my friends have told me not to pick widow since lv4 so I just kinda never picked her so now I wanna learn and play her cause I enjoy getting the head shots it feels good

Davey Anthony

Widow is great in the right hands. Her picks can be either very helpful or... she might not get any at all. She is squishy but she is powerful if your aim is good. If they have too many shields or you see you aren't getting picks, then switch, maybe shield buster or something that will benefit the team

Richard Miller

If you get the picks then it’s amazing, in my opinion a good Widow is better than a good soldier. 250 dmg a headshot what more can you ask for in a DPS?

Brett Thielemier

Snipers are way overpicked. Just pick her whenever it makes sense for your team comp, which will only be occasionally, and if you want to practice just do custom games or vs ai

Sebastien Roy

She's amazing in literally every situation ever. I play her in 100% of games and in 100% of situations.

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