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What’s everyone’s thoughts on a “fish tank” pc build? Let me know if you think my...


Conner Keys

What’s everyone’s thoughts on a “fish tank” pc build? Let me know if you think my vision is a possibility...

So a see through case(probably plexiglass) inside of a fish tank would contain all the PC parts from the water. It would be set up so that it could pull air in one side at the top, and direct it throughout the case to be expelled out the other top side of the case. Hopefully that would keep the ambient air temperature in the case down. Now here’s the insanity... make it water cooled- with the water from the fish tank. Have a water pump that puts the water through a filtration system just like any other fish tank filter, and then through the water cooling system, through (maybe a remineralizer?), and back into the tank.

It just wouldn’t be complete without the fish, and I know being water cooled would make the water quite warm, so maybe tropical fish? Not sure if it would make it too warm though. I know it’s a crazy idea because any sort of malfunction would completely fuck your computer.. but I think if you put enough work in and make it as quality as possible, it would be one of the sickest custom builds ever!

Bryan Smith

It'd be a pain, as you need to clean the tank regularly, which means youd need to darid and clean your loop. Not to mention youd need to replace the water filters very often, and be careful as just a little gunk will clog a water block

Jake Oorschot

Have a look at mineral oil cooled PCs

David Quinn

Mineral oil as well a pain and not worth your time

Chase Canella

So what happens when you don't use the PC for a while, do the warm water fish just die? Lol

I'm not a fishologist or a computerologist so I have no idea.

Sanjidur Rahman Sawon

Actually your fish will die cause off frequent change of water temp. and with temp, level of DO will be imbalanced

Rob Muckian

Just do a mineral oil build. Less headache

Chris Winchester

I think the best way to achieve this to have a tank inside a tank. Keep the cooling water seperate from the fish water.

Briana Long

You'd have to make sure everything is super air tight. So it'll be pretty hard to dismantle. Youd also need a variety of bottom feeder, shrimps, snails etc to keep the tank clean. Also please dont subject any fish to this

Stephen Steinlein

I dont know what I read, but I wont ever forget it...

Michael Mc Partlan

Andrew Bull Mike

Calvin DiBartolo

The idea is cool and I've thought about it myself when I was younger. Apparently distilled water doesn't conduct electricity, as it's the impurities in the water that do it, however I'd still consider that much too dangerous to attempt.
Unless you're not talking about submersion cooling, and essentially using your PC as a water heater for tropical fish, in which case, could be pretty neat, but you'd need to be on top of cleaning the filter all the time. But you'd have to bear in mind that as seasons change, so will the water temperatures, and thus you may have to keep your PC at high loads just to keep the fish alive in, say, the winter.

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