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WARNING: This will be a considerably long post Firstly, as a prerequisite to what I...


Adam Jollo

WARNING: This will be a considerably long post

Firstly, as a prerequisite to what I wish tic adress, I want to say that I am a support main, and my first pick was Mercy before I manged to expand my horizon of heroes. My points I want to make are coming from someone who has experienced this character and playin her, not a dps main who complains about healing with not comprehension on how the job gets done. Nevertheless, with that aside, I wish to address a hot topic: Mercy.

Before Nerf Rez:
You’re teams down on their luck. Graviton bladed and the whole team is down. It looks bleak. That’s is until the mercy hits her ult and the entire team isn’t fighting for that second chance! This was the meta that all of us knew and recognized until about season five or six. And this change I ageee with. Here’s why.

As a support player, I got put on mercy. A lot. And an off healer main, it sucked. I really like zen and lucio at the time, but I was forced to anchor. Why? Because mercy’s rez was too great to pass up and most teams couldn’t focus an enemy’s mercy well enough to run anything else. Mercy was a requirement. However, this wasn’t what bothered me. Instead, it was the behavior to hide. I felt this way because it was considerably boring, for I had to know when the fight was coming and I then had to sit in a corner hoping not to be found in order to save my team. God forbid if I messed up because I would then face the WRATH of the team calling me bad on a character most of them don’t play. Therefore, when the change happened, I was kinda glad. It opened up new metas and finally a new and aggressive way to play mercy. And after a few more patches, she was capable of only a single slow rez and chain healing. This is where I have a problem.

Post Valkyrie Nerf:
Every season has a meta with some more apparent than others. Season three with it’s tanks, four with bastion, you get the point. However, I wish to deem season eight and nine the Ult Spam Meta. This is for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, Mercy is basically out of the meta. Like hog during his nerfs, she has been so nerfed that she’s almost unplayable. Therefore, because of her nerfs, there is not a penalty to simply ulting to take a point. Recently I have experienced what I like to call the 99 you 99 scenario, which basically entails 12 or so ults at once because there’s no penalty. However, this is also because of mercys “ult“.

Valkyrie sounds nice. It gives you the ability to fly, an actual escape, and the ability you chain buff. However, in use it does little. Every support ult is meant to push back the offensive. Lucio yields immediate health, Zenny heals to almost invincibility, Moira provides heals and damage simultaneously, Ana makes one person a walking nuke, Sym gives a way back to a point or gives shields to sustain. Then we get to Mercy. She used you get a rez, a fast one mind you, and this was her way to hold the line. Now, all we get isn’t chain healing. It’s not even boosted. Those basically makes her useless. Unlikely every other support, she cannot stop an ult, and i find this to be a huge problem.

What I want to see:
Honestly, i like the new healing meta (ie Iran whatever you want), burn I feel like what has happened to mercy is unfair to those who main her. Mercys consistency in healing is unbeatable, and Id like to see it more in games. I feel Iike to would actually help against this terrible meta. It is because of this that I want to see a buff to mercy’s healing and damage in Valkyrie. This would allow her to heal those in fights while also giving them an edge. It would also make her ult have a use, which right now is really used whenever since it doesn’t do much. However, Id like to hear your thoughts! What do you think would help this hero to come back to playability?

Laura Arthur Cassandra Vesselgaard

I think this is the most well thought out post I have seen in this entire group, and I respect and agree with your views and opinions
I applaud you op!

Shannon Fellows

I used to think that this both pre nerf Mercy and current Mercy were fine. But your point about each support having a "push back" ult is super valid. Mercy's healing/boosting in ult does next to nothing compared to the other supports. I wouldn't mind a buff in ult too tbh!

Julia Nicole

The best part was the calling out from your team with the old Mercy. The enemy team could get a team kill and some people would blame you because you died like everyone else. And hide and rez was really not my cup of tea..

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