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*Update* so i made some idea changes. So ill be editing those over these so you can...


Benson Flanagan

*Update* so i made some idea changes. So ill be editing those over these so you can all see. Let me know if its too OP so i can tone stuff done if needed. i think the added shields might be OP

Okay so after a few topics about it on this group, i think we need to make serious suggestions to doomfist and see if we can get good ol daddy jeff to see.
Id like as much input as possible, all these ideas are subject to change based on input!

The Best Defense.
Edit it so that it gives +40 barriers.
Have it activate when hit by seismic slam and uppercut. ultimate ability will add 80 barriers.
Keep it to a maximum of 150.
duration (1 second delay and -3 barriers a second can stay the same.

Hand Cannon.
Change it to a hitscan weapon
84 Damage per shot. (old weapon would be 11 per pellet making it 66 per shot)

Seismic slam
Damage should be 20 - 150 dependent on air time.
Maximum range of 10 metres.
Cooldown still 7 seconds.

Rising uppercut.
50 damage, But it shoots a little higher to make a little more use of seismic slam.
Also allows him to jump onto roofs easier as an escape.
Cooldown still 7 seconds.

Erase meteor strike possibly.
Replace the ultimate with an edited rocket punch.
It can hit more than one target aslong as he charges into them all (up to 4).
200 damage, 250 damage on all targets if you hit a wall.
Range at the max of 23 metres.
I believe this is more beneficial, it gives you the chance to kill all the lower health characters you hit and damages tanks in the process.

Theres an extra space where rocket punch was.
Maybe a trigger on doomfists arm that propels him sideways.
Maybe make it so you can boost in a half circle around your target.

Leave suggestions in the comments. (Not joke ones please)

Boyd Benders

Honestly the gun having more then 4 shots wouldnt make sense since they are plaelced on his knuckles for the rest i dont reslly care fot hids punch being able to hit upwards wince you have upercut the rest are good aditions though they will probs never do the combo thing

Nils Arne Heggernes Storheim

Why would that force rein to shield up?

Amir Syazwi

ask to this group is useless . go to papa jeff to ask him . if u lucky maybe he will read

Will Brazier

Bonus damage for punching someone in the ass. Fisting is life.

Markus McClellan

Slightly increase the hit box?

Patricio E Gandara

If i remeber correctly he could punch in every direction and had 5 shoots in the ptr, was ridicously op and dev changed it

Ben Suskic

He doesnt need any buffs or reworks. He needs the bugs fixed with his current kit. Ghost punching, phasing thru people, geting a punch animation but no punch, people sliding off walls instead of crashing into them, his uppercut not actually going in the air, his ground slam sometimes just does 0 damage so you get no shields from it even if it hits. The list goes on

Theo van Booma

I'm with Ben. He doesn't need changing rather bugs fixed. I have no idea how chipsa plays him at top500 with the bugs he has. But the other option is make him a tank. Extra 100hp, and give his ult a knock back like pharahs concussive blast

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