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PC tips for playing widow? (can be anything about aim, crosshairs, sensitivity, etc)


Marcy Caelum

tips for playing widow?
(can be anything about aim, crosshairs, sensitivity, etc)

Tony Romano

Low sen if ur mouse support dpi make it med between 800-1000 (optional), when u face enemy widow jump and aim then shoting! also u can improve and tech ur self by keeps playing widow

Binx Bumstead

1, tracking. Learn how to track your opponents movements and predict them in order to make the best out of long range, safe sniping.
2, flicks. This is much more difficult. Essentially, you'll just be molding your sensitivity and movement until you get it down so well that you can move your crosshairs quickly past someones head/body and pull the trigger at the perfect moment. When you're first learning it, it's best to do it on training bots in the practice range just to get a good feel for it, then (at least for me) move to a custom game, you against a team of 6 hard ana bots with headshots only turned on in skirmish mode in order to practice it with one of the smallest head hitboxes in the game. (a good place to practice you tracking as well)
3, and most importantly, positioning and movement. Never stand still, never stay scoped in for an excessive amount of time, always be looking for new places to hide in a match to catch the enemy off guard, place your venom mine in tactical spots in order to either inform you of an enemy trying to flank you, or to give you the drop on enemies coming straight ahead. Practice grappling into the air to get a pick before you're actually set up (one of the most difficult things to do as widow)

Pretty much the basics right there

Marcy Caelum

Thanks guys

Oscar Ruiz

One of the best things to do is practice your fundamentals, steady your aim and work on your crosshair placements. You'll get a way easier shot if you only need to move the reticle a small distance

Oscar Ruiz

Listen to what they outline on Flowers abilities as a player

Robert Hughes

I use smaller crosshairs for my aim it seems to be easier to aim with and I always try to aim for the neck so I get a better chance at a hit

Lương Hoàng Huy

One thing i can think of is dont try and flick with your shots too can mess up your aim sometimes.. only try and flick if really needed... and i think you should use a fairly small crosshair, you should create a widow ffa HS only in custom game and ask your friend if they want to practice with you, or you can just add me and practice with me if you want, its on you

Andy Williams

I do 1000dpi and 3.5 in-game sense, always relocate when a push ends or pushing in begins, the more pressure you apply on the enemy team is a crucial priority. Prolly want to look into getting better aim first too, if you think you got good aim now, that’s good, but always work on it. Widow is a make or break hero, if you get no picks you’re are useless even if you are hitting targets, her kit is to secure kills. However, if you don’t well you could lose and everyone will blame you. Lol good luck tho, I am a widow player as well, but only just recently and I gotta say if you can do this tips youre in pretty good shape.

Tan Yc

find a zoom sens/normal sens that youre comfterable with and find your playstyle,either aggresive or passive.Try not to flick when you dont have to or else it will mess up your aim and be confident in your shots,if you cant hit the head,a bodyshot would do fine.In terms of crosshairs,just experiment,it dosent affect your muscle memory so just find one which suits you.Also,i dont reccomend going into widow FFA's as it dosent teach you how to fight agaisnt other hereos

Mike Baird

I know for me. My best widow play is when I press H and select Lucio

Jake Williams

I heard aiming for the neck reduces error

Dick Goezinya

Play lots of sniping in CSGO

Jerad Burns

I use a really really huge cross hair. It helps me line up fast shots. Like an old cod cross hair

Zack Hockaday

Don't on attack

Rebecca Drake

Mute team chat, mute anyone who tells you to switch because “they want a counter for pharah” ...yes I’ve been asked this twice in two days

Skylar Riddle

Using crouch in comp can help a lot

Hirschy Kirkwood

I flick shot, tracking with widow just sucks imo, I play 1600 dpi 3 sens. Small crosshair short stubs no gap. 30 grapple sense.

Nick de Bruyker

try to keep your cursor at head height when on flat ground, if you see someone you can flick in a straight horizontal line wich is much easier to do then adjusting vertical aswell. same goes for vertical flick shots aswell.

so you can improve your aim alot just by aligning your cursor before flicking.

also look at enemies who are jumping or falling, they are easy to predict their movement and get a headshot on them

Emilio Saenz


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