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thoughts on new mercy changes? i know people who ARENT mercy mains are okay with the...

  • Thread starter Angelica Monique Leepack
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Angelica Monique Leepack

thoughts on new mercy changes? i know people who ARENT mercy mains are okay with the changes because now mercys rez CAN be stopped.

im a mercy main and idk, getting the rez off is harder but manageable with some practice. i just dont think it was a good change. clearly i am biased so im wondering if other mercy mains feel like this?

you literally need the whole point to be cleared when it comes to rez now due to the reduced speed of the cast and idk i feel like it defeats the purpose of why it was put in with a 30 seconds cooldown to begin with?????

im still going to play regardless but idk im like iffy and kinda sad LOL

Ricky Guinn

I main mercy and it doesn't bother me abit. I've always been a team fighter mercy,so time management has always been my thing. This nerf makes no difference

Luis Arriaga

She seems okay you have to utilize ress with ult and it does take longer but it's your team's job to protect you as you ress honestly it's not really a big change just make sure your team is on point and communication is key

Wilma Englöf

Please I play disc priest in wow, I can do this if I want

Ashlee Todd

Are used main her, butnow I’ll never touch her.

Travis Doyle


MacKenzie Rae

The 50% speed reduction is a little much. I would say 25 would be more reasonable. But honestly I feel like (in my limited play time) Moira can drag out team fights just as long if not longer than a decent mercy can, so that logic seems shot in the ass.

Emi Cheye

IMO it’s fine, you just have to be careful. Necessary because she was too necessary. She was getting picked way too often and outshine every other healer. It was annoying to pick ana and be accused of throwing. Which tbh it almost kinda was. It should take as much skill to undo a pick as it takes to get one

Jeff Robbins

I'm fucking ecstatic about the changes. The happiest I've been about a patch in months. Seriously, no longer is she MANDATORY, which was the problem. The amount of fucking games I've lost because no one wants to play mercy was driving me nuts. I love playing ana, and now I can without people considering a throw pick.

Steve Lawrence

all i can say is a lot of people are going to stop playing mercy and replace it with someone else... i will not play mercy anymore because of this and you watch her pick rate drop.. yes i agree with some of the changes.. she was not actually that hard to kill.. but now shes the easiest target in the game =)

Anthony Rodriguez

Just by looking at gameplay, I don't like it, but I'll live just like I did with her first rework. It'll get manageable overtime, but this is a great reason for me to also try other heroes for once

Lin Galini

I have no problem at all. I've been practicing her since the nerf came out on PTR. I find it quite fascinatin now that noone gonna pick her on enemy's teams. PS Yeah, i'm a dirty filthy cheater who just want to maintain her winrate at 98%! xD

Leon Adler

Im not a Mercy 'main' im flex, means I'm playing heal quite often, means that I also play mercy a lot
I think it's a good change.
It's not all about her ress
She has : strong heal
Damage buff
Good ultimate
Good escape possibilities
And her ress ability is a nice little extra, not the only reason Mercy is strong

Chris Dixon

I dont play with mercy but it overall kinda goes with her theme of nurse/scientist and it takes a second to resuscitate someone

Angie Willard

I’ve stopped playing Mercy so much since the last change... been better to branch out and learn other ways to support the team. Rein has been a great transition for me.

Mihnea Gogu

the nerf balanced her

Ryan Stoops

She needed toned down. I don't really play Mercy at all, and it even feels slow to me. But I think they overdid it a bit this time. Kinda feels like they nerfed mercy hard to make people like Moira more on release.

Angelo Ignacio

As a Mercy main, it's all good. The rez isn't that all important to me, my playstyle revolves on keeping my teammates alive above critical health rather than hide and rez.

Benedicte Johnsen Voje

Makes me even angrier at my teammates for dying stupidly in a dangerous spot. I think the cast time was OK, but the slow a bit of an overkill.

Hannah Svensson

I think it's more of a challenge now o.o

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