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Switching hero's to counter is something I always try to do but I've learned that...


Eddy D. Newgate

Switching hero's to counter is something I always try to do but I've learned that people around my rank rarely select hero's to counter the enemy or even know who a good counter to the enemy heros would be so i can only rely on myself. As a main I have my biggest problems usually with mei, zarya, and sometimes sym. I also tend to have those same weaknesses as genji, Any tips to counter your weaknesses without switching ?

Derek Merchant

What’s ur sr? I can help if it’s the right number lol

Davey Anthony

As a rein main, I avoid reaper unless I know for sure I have back up and he's going to die. I don't do anything against my counter without backup first.

Evalina-Rae Reuther

I personally tend to switch but using I usually head on charge them .. alot of people are not prepared for you to get in their face, I use the same tactic with junkrat and works pretty well, if you have a really good healer it never fails

Emily Lew

Playing DVA against a zarya is basically feeding no matter what you do but yeah that’s dependent on your SR, if it’s low than I doubt you’d have good enemy zarya players anyway, so ez counter that by having a reaper on your team. Mei shouldn’t be a big probably for you tbh unless you’re the type to charge in and rocket, you just really need to learn when to conserve your shield and basically only to push in with your rockets when you are aiming for squisheys (go for the healers).

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