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PC So yeah.... Been looking for a good active clan to get into since some of the people...


Joe Williams III

So yeah.... Been looking for a good active clan to get into since some of the people in my current clan are falling off the map. I have a Titan, Warlock, and a Hunter. I have played the raid multiple times and have a decent understanding. So yeah any bug active clans recruiting if so count me in!

Sheila D Snead

Joe what's your I'd, I'll send you an invite to ours. We have some active some not so much. But admins are actually scheduling raid times in groups on certain days ect ect.

Ruben Mendoza

If you're looking to join a clan we'd be glad to have you :) open membership currently and we have a discord setup. We're growing right now at a steady pace nearing 30 active members and about to hit level 4
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Jesse Gay

Saucy hotdogs

Trevor James Laducer

Whats your btag? We are looking for 1 more to fill the last raid spot in our clan. We raid every Sunday around 4:00 pm CST. We plan on doing the prestige raid this Sunday. Also have an active discord you can socialize in.

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