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So, it looks like I'll be getting my hands dirty with attempting my first water loop...


Alexander Wilson

So, it looks like I'll be getting my hands dirty with attempting my first water loop this month...
Truth be told, I don't have MUCH of a clue about what's what and I need some advice!

First of all, what should I be looking for in my parts selection? are there any big "no no's" in the world of loops?
Any preferred brands, or brands to steer clear of?

I've got a 1080ti Poseidon ready for water, I need to pick an AM4 waterblock, reservoir, Pump (probably gunna go for a res+pump in one unit) and with this being my first WC setup, I'm probably going to go softline.
A friend of mine is donating a radiator, some fans, tubing and fittings but I'd like to learn more before I dive into it :)

Any tips you can provide me with would be helpful!

Luke Sheehan


Nicklas Ebling Levy Jensen

The parts needs to all be the same sort of metal, cobber or aluminium not both at the same time.

I personally love EK so can recommend them, if you wanna stay cheap Barrow is a good brand to go with.

Soft tube is a good start, but Hardline isn't hard to do at all and costs the same at the end maybe even cheaper at times and looks better.

You need to know if the fluid works with the tubing as well, and always flush the parts of before use in distilled water.

Always leak test it, I only do an hour or so since if it leaks it leaks when you turn it on.

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