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So I'm going to be a support main and am looking for a few tips. Right now my lucio...


Carmen Bakker

So I'm going to be a support main and am looking for a few tips.

Right now my lucio and mercy are okayish.
For lucio I've put jump to L3 instead of X.

I could use some advice on anna and zenyatta.
Maybe a little for mercy to get better.

Jacob Mcmorrow

Zenyatta- always do charged shots around corners for sneaky picks or some ult charge
Always call out when your being attacked
Constantly discord
Always put an healing orb on a teammate in a fight not on a low hp hero no where near a fight

Nelson Dunn

Zenyatta- always call out discords so your team can focus that target and never forget about your charged shot the damage output is insane and your ult should be being used either as a counter ult or as a push

Lucio- remember to not be super aggressive unless absolutely necessary remember he is a support for a reason also practice wall riding

Ana- please for the love of God don't use your sleep dart early remember if it's on cool down you can't save your team from an enemy ult

Mercy-The best advice I can offer on her is practice positioning and staying alive(only support I don't like playing)

Moira-try to play like a support do many people just leave tanks hanging to chase down gengis or tracers try not to do that

Nelson Dunn

Should help in some way lol

Stephanie Benning

I need this skin

Joey Fahmy

Watch KarQ videos

Alan Schramm

Mercy: Always move. Never stand still. Try to Rez and while u rez move too (even tho it's not that effective) don't rez when there are too many enemies play safely. Never follow one teammate that runs blindly into the enemy team and gets crit/ dies just Let them be dumb. If u ult try to move around as much as possible use ur mobility to play peekaboo with the enemy team xD. And also don't forget u have damage boost aswell. If someone is completely healed use the damage boost.

If ur team leaves u behind all the time don't play Mercy or tell them they should wait for you etc.

Also if u got a Roadhog in ur team be careful and not heal too much. He builds up his ult with his self healing. Tell him he should call for healing when he needs it.

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