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So finally playing a bit after getting it on Black Friday and not really putting it...


Jeremy Wilson

So finally playing a bit after getting it on Black Friday and not really putting it into the PS4 until this morning...couple rookie questions...

1. This lady tells me that to drive a golf cart I need to beat the examiner wearing a racing get-up in a challenge tournament. Is she talking about someone on my island cause she is the closest person who somewhat looks like they are in race gear to me. I'm confused lol

2. When I go to "online open course" does anyone from the states play? I was playing at around 1130pm CST-1230am CST but I only saw what I believe to be where Japanese players (sorry not sure what language(s) honestly the players names where.) Also I didn't see an option to chat with other players or anything.

3. I didn't explore "Online Turf Wars" because I have a brand new player (level 7 lol) and from what I read on the screen wouldn't want to KILL my team but is it basically team matchplay or did I not get that correctly?

Thanks for anyone who took the time to read all that and offers to help to a noob lol

(Played previous titles but this does seem a lot different although the golf is still fun itself!)

Shawn Robichaud

gocomplete your challenges to unlock VS time you will unlock a character you need to beat to unlock your golf cart

Jo Magee

At that hour, it's early morning in Japan. I'm in the game now, but trudging through challenge mode. I'm in Central time as well.

Jo Magee

I tried turf war for the first time last night. I thought it was fun.

Shawn Robichaud

and make sure you do all the challenge questions from the little guy on your home screen..he unlocks stuff too

Shawn Robichaud

turf wars be more fun if you can create your own with friends rather than randomly put on a team..

Jeremy Wilson

Ok thanks you two!!! Yea plan was to keep working on vs cpu challenges I just wasn't sure if the person I was suppose to challenge for golf cart rights was already there on the island. Ok back to the grind haha

I did play both of the online course and finished a very unimpressive 280s and 380s of course my drives are way less than most of the rest still lol

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