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So basically, Ana is gonna be the main healer mid season 6? Because people only play...

  • Thread starter Jonathan Martin
  • Start date

Ben Suskic

It probably won't go live till the end of this season

Matthew Robinson

i dont think a solo healer will ever be the "meta". mercy and ana will still be played. the idea you should choose between the two seems silly because the two together make a good team. that and the only reason i think ana is better is because she doesnt have to pocket a dying tank as long as mercy does because her burst healing is just better. basically though both are viable and mercys healing with her ultimate is pretty worth and shouldnt be neglected.

Jodi Szowcsuk

How to get good at ana?!

Ashley Skye-Michelle Hill

As an Ana main, I support this.

Turin Farrand

she literally had 3 seasons of being in the spotlight, she was a must pick what is wrong with you people

Bradley Garcia

Alright since more than half this stupid comment section can't figure it out I'm gonna lay it out plain and simple. Mercy is bullshit OP. Here comes the whinging with the no she's not but here's the thing. Mercy right now, is a must pick for EVERY team because of the bullshit Rez, any team who doesn't have mercy is at a massive disadvantage. If ANY hero is an absolute must pick no matter the map or team comp, it is op, no debate, no argument, case closed. Grow up, it's bullshit, stop complaining, learn to get good and stop dying in 2 seconds because you don't know how to group up or focus fire.

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