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Xbox One Sever Rules as of 2/24/18. Rules can be added as needed to ensure a fun and healthy...


Jesse Hoffer

Sever Rules as of 2/24/18. Rules can be added as needed to ensure a fun and healthy server. Additonal rules will be informed by post on the server facebook page and eventually added to this post.

The 3 strike rule no longer exist. If you break a rule you’re gone.
If you’re PvP you go to the Center map (GSR Revived Center)
If you’re PvE you got to ragnarok (GSR Revived)

Please Note, Tribe leaders are responsible for their members and depending on the actions of that tribe leader, outside of the given strike can lead to the whole tribe being removed. Tribe leaders should handle trouble players accordingly. If its seen that said tribe leader is encouraging or supporting any rule breaking acts, that will result in complete tribe removal as decided by admins

The following rules must be followed. Should they not be, the potential of broken rule can lead to you and your tribe being banned.


1)Clear Beaver dams completely.

2)No Bronto farming at all.

3)Any obstruction of artifacts,notes or other in game progress items will result in banishment and forced removal of obstruction along with removal of any of said item held by player or tribe.

4)Admins are not entitled to give any items or dinos. (Only if the server causes a loss)

5)PVE tribes are not allowed to transfer to PvP unless an admin approves it. Likewise with PVP to PVE.

*All transfers will require an admin to review tribes inventory before allowing to switch each member of a tribe will be allowed only 1 dino each and only basic tools. No resources, weapons, armor, ammo, etc.

If you go to PvE and cause mischief you will be banned. If your PvE and go to PvP trying to get an easy build up you will also be banned.

6) Trolls or any attempt of trolling will results in immediate ban.

7)Promoting of another server or trash talk of current server will result in immediate ban and removal.

8)Admin abuse will not be allowed and said admin can be removed from adminship and banned.

9)Dinos, Weapons, Gear, etc will not be given out by admins for any reason unless it is sold (in game currency), traded or won in an event. Prices will vary by admin.

10)Harassment of any form will result in immediate ban and removal.

11)Admins are not responsible to be involved in any in game encounter unless said encouter violates a rule or is by a proven troll.

12)Any issues should be brought to the attention of an admin.

13)No form of currency (real money) will take place on the server or facebook page for any reason. This will result in immediate ban and removal.

14)Bases that are left unattended (inactivity) for more than 30 days will be considered abandoned by admins and will be removed, unless otherwise communicated by player and a time frame given for how long they will be away.

15) In any instance where an issue has occurred, admins are authorized to force join tribes to review tribe logs. For no other reason is this necessary.

16)Any event hosted for the community is expected to be treated with respect. Any attacking of other tribes during the event (unless specified) or obstructing tribes or members from completing events will classify you as a troll and will be removed from the event and banned from any future events.


1)The use of pillars to claim land is not allowed. Doing this will lead to your entire base being destroyed.

2)Stealing from community based areas will result in banishment.

3)Any destruction of community based buildings will result in immediate ban.


1)Attack on admin bases are allowed, however admins can retaliate however they see fit.

2) Killing PVP tribe’s Passive tames will result in banishment.

3) Being killed by a bases defenses (Turrets, Plant X, or Dinos) will not result in replacement of lost items or dinos.


(Can be changed at any time without notice)
Current 2/25/18

PvP Rates
X25 Taming
X8 Egg Hatch
X7 Mature Speed
X8 Harvesting
X20 Weight

PvE Rates
X17 Taming
X5 Egg Hatch
X5 Mature Speed
X5 Harvesting
X20 Weight

Your admins are as followed:
Kyle D. - GSRSavage
Matt H. - VictorViking
Jesse H. - CaptnStabin
Chris S. - Tartarvus IV
Patrick M. - PatrickM233
Chris B. - ModerateBog
Colton P. - GSRMassacr3
Stephen D. - Stephendon
Erik W. - CornFedInbred
Jesse H. - bloodWOLF1762

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