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Switch -Recently my 2DS broke recently, (yes I know, I liked the design of the 2DS, it felt...


Scott Sweeney

-Recently my 2DS broke recently, (yes I know, I liked the design of the 2DS, it felt comfortable, it was cheaper, and I don't care for 3d), and I need a new one.
-The New 2DS XL is $50 cheaper than a New 3DS XL. (that is a whole 3DS game and $10 less than a Switch game that is full retail price)
-Like I said, I don't care for the 3d and the new 2ds xl looks slick and good imo.
-I have the money to preorder the New Nintendo 2DS XL right now to get it on launch day.
-What do you guys think? Please leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments. They are greatly apperatiated. I know that some people hate or dislike the new 2ds xl. If so, that is fine, just please don't go ranting about it in the comments. I just need your guys help. Thanks!

Luca Alberto Burgos

Just buy another 2ds it's only 79 bucks

Kirk Nelson

Recently it broke, recently.

But in all seriousness, get the XL, it folds to fit in your pocket. If I didn't have a new 3DS XL before they announced that I would have gotten it.

Christian H Eggers

Is the alternative to not have any access to 3DS software? I know we are all hot on the Switch right now, but that would be criminal! The 3DS has such great games and I assume you already have a library since you had a 2DS. Pre-order for sure!

Hakim Leveille

Who needs a 2DS when you have a Switch?

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