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Pic for attention. What are your thoughts on the ranked system? I think it's booty...


Jo Peace

Pic for attention.

What are your thoughts on the ranked system? I think it's booty that you 6 stack, and are put up against the hardest teams, but not rewarded correctly for beating them. But when solo, or duo queing, you gain SR like crazy because youre put up against players at a lesser skill level. As someone who floats between high diamond, and low masters, I've always solo or duod. Because when 6 stacking, it peaks the competitive level, but doesn't reward me any differently for winning. I'd rather 6 stack with friends, but there's no reason to do so if you're trying to actually level up.

Here's a video explaining it in better detail !

Courtney Lynne

Oh Jo....

Vynyl Shiro

Overwatch on console has just gotten boring to me now because going against other golds and plats are...well boring. I'm only still playing it to sharpen my skills once I switch to PC but I can't even stand to play longer than an hour. Six stacking is the only way I do play longer because I'm usually in a stream with friends. But when I solo to tri-stack I feel like I'm not learning anything anymore but yet I just can't climb with a 60% winnrate

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