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Okay some people said after my halloween skin of Mei, learn to play her. But I dont...


Bregje Paeshuijse

Okay some people said after my halloween skin of Mei, learn to play her. But I dont have a clue on how to play her. Any tips?

Bryan Otero Abraham

she is pretty simple, if you wanna kill easy just freeze them first then right click their face

Bryan Otero Abraham

But imo her main job is helping take down tanks, her with reaper absolutely shreds tanks my guy

Maddy Elkins

Right click has a delay that takes getting used to, but its your damage dealer. Use it when out of range to freeze. Chasing low mobility tanks (roadhog) is fun as hell. Freeze, reload, freeze, reload, freeze and right click usually takes them down. Stay behind him and be ready for him to self heal and try to run away. Ice walls are best used to stop people from running away and also to shield your team from dva's and mccree's ults. Soldier moves too fast in ult to make a difference. Use your ult in coordination, its best used to try for quad kills and you cannot do that alone unless youve got really good mechanical skill and game sense. Cryofreeze can be used to delay your death until your team catches up, assuming the enemy team managed to take out your healer andnis picking off everyone else. But preferably you always want to be helping your dps and healer by taking out tanks, and slowing down (hopefully freezing) fast targets like genji, tracer, and pharah. You can freeze torb turrets, and sym turrets break before freezing

Brittanny Lynn Wagner

Ill occasionally use her healing as a shield for other players who have low health until a healer can get to them. She's also helpful to hide behind (when she's in her ice block) when I need to reload and it takes a while. But yeah, freeze then headshot. She pairs well with reaper, roadhog, and tracer (lots of close range damage).

Hector Colon

The first comment immediately spelled bait

Alicia Finn

make sure you save your cyro freeze for dire situation (e.g hiding from ults or contesting) and grab heals instead of using it if you just need healing. Same with the walls, try and save them for when the enemy wants to get in and contest or use them in an ult e.g Zarya grav, defending the team from a high noon

Sara Jean

Use your wall to split up the enemy team, it makes it pretty much a 3v6 or however you split off, I try going for two but sometimes bite off more then I can chew xD

Paulo Catanghal

Freeze the fucker out and then shove an icecickle into their ears

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