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Okay, so i thought I'd jump in on the Mercy Nerf AGAIN. Why are people so salty about...

  • Thread starter Christopher Hicks
  • Start date

Christopher Hicks

Okay, so i thought I'd jump in on the Mercy Nerf AGAIN. Why are people so salty about it? I'll tell you why. She is the the sole hero to ever receive a nerf back to back for 3 consecutive patches, while no other healer has received a buff. This is not ok. I understand character balancing, but this... this is too much. I may be a mercy main, but im def not a one trick. Im fine playing other healers, but i prefer mercy mainly because of how comfortable her kit is, or used to be.

INB4 you're just another salty mercy one trick. No Im not, see above. She's not OP, she's not broken. I've been camped by flankers and targeted by the team plenty of times, and my team suffers for it, she's not hard to kill, she only has 200 HP that starts regenerating after 1 second of non combat, 1 junk mine and a grenade can kill her, 2 direct rockets from Pharah can kill her, Hanzo and Widow can 1 shot head shot, Mcree stun and 2 head shots can kill her, 3 Reinhardt swings kill her, 1 Rocket barrage from D.Va can kill her, so on and so forth, she's super squishy, just keep pressure on her.

I don't necessarily see her as a must pick, (she may have been before her rework, but not anymore) because I've seen/played games that won with out her, you just have to play smart. I mean i cant say much because I'm in bronze but still.

There is still hope though, its just on ptr, not live, so they may scrap the nerf.

TL;DR Stop the Mercy Nerfs.

Andre Torres

TL;DR OP refuses to git gud

Aadil Saqib

You're a bad Mercy?

Mathieu Berger-Latour

Ana got nerfed 3 patches in a row tho. No one complained because she’s high capped and not a lot of people main her lol

Sam Wilkinson

Well she's a must pick because the rez is of very high value. If the enemy team doesn't have a mercy but yours does you already have the advantage.

Aidan Moore

QQ grow a pair

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