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Okay since nobody is gonna see this since it was on a post's comments asking for new...

  • Thread starter Veronica Collins
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Veronica Collins

Okay since nobody is gonna see this since it was on a post's comments asking for new hero ideas, I'm making a new post for it since THIS NEEDS TO BE SHARED. THIS ALL CAME INTO MY MIND AS I WAS TYPING AND IM IN LOVE. All of this came straight from my comment on the post, give or take a few things to make it easier on the eyes, and definitely rearranged to make it easier to read.

Home: Canada or some other cold place.
Name: No idea.
Role: Defense
Moves: Unnamed, Play Dead or Hold Your Ground (open to new names, this just randomly popped up), and Rampage or Stampede for the ultimate.
Other: It's a moose. Or an elk. Or some kind of hooved animal that's well known. If Blizzard won't do OW animal heroes, maybe one related to something like a moose or something, or a hero riding a moose (which is where their abilities come in. They either make the moose do it, or they ride the moose), but an actual animal is preferred.

Unnamed: They could have a charge ability like Reinhardt's and Doomfist's mixed together. It goes shorter than Rein's charge, but there's a knockback, such as throwing them into the air or letting them continue moving after the hero has stopped to attack others. Their shift, you can call it... Idrk tbh. But the charge is shift.

Play Dead: Harder to use, since you're stuck in one spot. You gain a shield for one or two seconds, fall to the ground as if dead, and can get back up a moment later to retreat. It's a work in progress in my head.
Hold Your Ground: Self defensive stance. They could become sturdier, gaining health or armor for a short period of time, but being immobile, providing a barrier between them and the enemy for a second or two. Perfect for ults or supports who have been stunned. Basically a gigantic Orisa shield but its timed and its invincible (it seems op, but it stays for like, 2 seconds and it'd probably be pretty small).

Rampage: The hero (if an animal) would buck around wildly, as if it were a bull, like a Reaper with Death Blossom, and cause knockback to anybody it hits, and with heavy damage. But, to counter the damage output, the movement is much slower. Probably about Reaper's speed, but more damage, since there is a knockback to it, they don't stay in it, they just get knocked away. If its a hero, then the hero gets ON the moose, and so there's not much changed.
Stampede: A wave of animals to charge in front of the hero, wherever they're aiming, causing massive damage and again, knockback. Perfect for contesting points, clearing points, or clearing the payload during one last push. Or being a troll and knocking the team off of a cliff during a push. OR. JUST THOUGHT OF THIS. SHOVING THEM INTO AN ULT. It'd take some amazing accuracy and coordination, but you could combo with somebody. Shove them into an ult.

Matthew Sartain

No, you should have just kept this to your friends.

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