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Xbox One Okay, I'm having a problem that I'm hoping the community can provide insight for: Last...


Austin Weber

Okay, I'm having a problem that I'm hoping the community can provide insight for:
Last night when I signed into ark (xbox one), I went to the sessions list to search for the private server my friends and I have purchased (nitrado unofficial PC). After confirming all the proper search credentials, and refreshing multiple times, our server does not appear. Then I proceeded to hard shutdown my console and restart. After doing so, server still does not appear. Checked for "Open" NAT, it was golden. Checked ark health status, still all good. I then had the owner of our server, shut down and restart the server via nitrado controls. After he did so, I went and restarted my modem and router to "refresh" my internet. And again no luck in sessions list. Here's the twist..of the 7 people that play on our server, 2 of them found and logged into the server without issue. Neither are the actual owner. I then tested to see if I click "join game" on my friends profile wpuld work. It did, clean and smooth...but I wasn't prompted for our server password...? After confirming I was in the game, playing smooth and happy for 15 minutes, I quit, and tried to find the server in server list luck. Finally we called nitrado, they and I quote "yanked the server from the tower and refreshed it". This still yielded no results for the 5 of us. No server in the server list.
So I ask, has anybody had a similar occurrence on their console (xbox one) nitrado server?

Cory Braaten

Are you selecting password protected in the bottom left

Ross Donoghue


Blake Perez

Try selecting all maps and all game modes as your search options. Then do a name search for only a few letters on the server name. "Server of the Ark Nerdz" you would search "nerd".

Austin Weber

*update* our server owner got in contacts with nitrado and fixed the issues. Thank you giving me your time and suggestions

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