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Xbox One Ok I have a honest question. I'm not new to Ark, I haven't been here since day one but...


Mike Miller

Ok I have a honest question. I'm not new to Ark, I haven't been here since day one but not new by any means. The question is, why wipe a tribe base you have no beef with? I get raiding. Blue prints, resources, gear and weapons. I understand that. But why spend the extra time and resources to destroy every pice of a base? What's the thinking behind it? And don't say "Because we can!" that just means you're a asshole. Because that's not a reason, it's a character flaw. I've raided before but never has it entered my mind to stick around and spend time and gear to wipe the entire place. I get in get the loot and get out. I just would like to hear your honest ideas on the matter.

Jack N Meholf

Eliminate the competition.

Never leave an enemy alive. He will always seek revenge.

Matthew Leaf Maynard

Any turtle you leave alive is a turtle that'll be soaking your bullets later....

Christian Martin

they;ll be back tbh

John Valdespino

Because ppl can't do it in real I've come up with

Dillon Robinson


Anja Peters

I dont think he ment turtles. I think he ment why wipe hes base to the ground. I agree with you Mike. Take the loot and get out. You prob got raided offline i assume. So only means they some chickenshit and afraid you will come for them.

Rickie Bobbie

This is why I refuse to play on official. Homos with no fucks. Kids who think it's funny then you come back and wreck them their tames and their weak ass base. Then your like now what?

Eathan Durnell

The more damage they do the less chance you can do anything back to them so If your base is gone then so is the threat for that time

Ken Blazek

One is raiding. The other is wiping. People's opinion of which one is fun differs.

Bronson Gjelstrup

If they build too close to me I'll wipe them I don't want to have to worry about the guy beside me all the time , also the obvious reason is retaliation , why would I want you coming around wasting my bullets and potentially damaging my base or killing off my tames ?

Robbie Kendall

I think exactly the same as you man. No need for it.

Brandon Story

If you don't, they'll usually retaliate.

Gregory King

Every piece of structure takes resources and time to make. Every foundation gives you more space to work with. Logically speaking, if you want to avoid retaliation for a longer period of time then you destroy more stuff.

Mike Miller

Thank you all for your thoughts. All good points. But none have really shaken my initial theory. I believe a good % of those who wipe have just truly gotten bored with the game. They have reached a lvl that progression has slowed or even stopped. They have done most tasks many times. And now the only goal they see before them is to hinder anothers experience because the joy of just playing the game is gone and they feel the need to take it from others. Thats why the time and resources are spent on the wipe. Thats the only goal they have left. Because there is no good reason for it. Its not tactical.

Raymond Ibarra

People suck simple as that

Josh Campbell

Because people can hide things under foundations

Raymond Ibarra

I just think the community that found its way to ark were mainly first person shooter cod type players because if your read the description of ark it dosent talk about it like its supposed to be focused on pvp, just a theory lol but either way you cut it you will meet some of the most shittiest people on ark and ark related forums or chats lol

Ruban Daoblong

Usually it's so they can't rebuild and retaliate quickly. Usually done when people are offline. Typical of alpha tribes and cowardly tribes.

Dany Jam Rushnychok

If a 15 story building was being demolished with explosives is downtown Tokyo at 5:00 pm how many people do you think will be watching? Why do you think they will be watching that 15 story building get blown up? That's just for me personally but I'm too nice of a guy to actually wipe. And since joining a mega I only raid and leave shit now if it's a small to med sized. Other then that I'm allied with all other competition on server

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