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Xbox One New server on Ragnarok with 6 current players. WELCOME TO THE ARK TRIALS. This is a...


Leonard Orkin

New server on Ragnarok with 6 current players. WELCOME TO THE ARK TRIALS. This is a PvP server with PVE slots. please register on my pinned post with your tribe name. Here are the rules...

1) No raiding the admins. The admin tribe is called WCKD and we organise events and stuff. There is multiple WCKD facilities on the map.

2) You must tell me if you are a going PVE. i must approve your request then you must put PVE in your tribe name. If any PVE tribe gets raided and has tribe log proof. The offenders will get endure severe consequences. If you are PVE and you try to raid people, you will get wiped.

3) No wiping bases. if you get raided pls message me and you get a 3 day tek bubble for your grace period. during that period you aren’t allowed to raid back and should probably focus and building back up.

- The maze trials : big maze with loot at the end
- Kill the Titan ( loot inside him )
- Red drop events ( full PVP to get them )
- Survive the Scorch
- Gladiator matches
- Raid the WCKD Base

Stats are bellow

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