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Xbox One My Gamertag is ThaLonelyDoctor. I'm creating a few teams for Season 8. I need to trust...


Talon Robbins

My Gamertag is ThaLonelyDoctor.
I'm creating a few teams for Season 8.
I need to trust you'll do your part, and accept constructive criticism.
I prefer to DPS, because I usually take 2 or 3 Golds, always including Eliminations, except when my team all does 100%- then I probably get Silver or even Bronze. But then it's okay, because my team pulled through and did amazing.
I want to bring a team together to win, have fun, and most of all, grow. I have much to teach, and I'm sure I have much to learn.
Aside from DPS, I can play almost every other character quite well. I have spent dozens of hours watching YouTube videos on gameplay tips and tricks, watching the pros play, and being coached personally by Masters, Grandmasters, and top 500. I know what it takes to get to Diamond at the very least. I know what it takes to climb even past that, but I need a team that is willing to not let their ego and pride get in the way of making correct decisions, and taking constructive criticism.
Respect and not being too sensitive are very important to me. That being said, if you'd like to be a part of a dedicated team in season 8, please comment below or message me.
I look forward to seeing you in battle! :)

2600 - 3100 SR ONLY.

My top 5:

Gabriela Erebia

I can help I'm a mercy min and pharah

Raul Rios L

I'm down, hit 3200 this season. Then solo queue didn't went well for me. Pharah main. +150hrs on her. I also play symmetra for defense. GT. ROL3X96.

Alex Foott

Count me in! I play a good DVa/Mercy/Moira/Orisa GT is Rednaxela31

Christina DiGiovanna

♀ I play every support (includes sym), sombra,orisa, winston and zarya! My GT is Peridottz

Jon Mayor

Really on this! I'm part of a decent 3 man atm, gamertag is X99X Agility

Dante Herrero Lopes Macedo

Im very interested. Also looking for a team too, my gamertag is MrFantasii, last season i went to 3489 and fell out to 2977. I watch a lot of pro players too
I flex to DPS and Tank, even a Ana, Lucio or Zen. But im focused on DPS, Tracer, Soldier, McCree, Hanzo, Genji main

Talon Robbins

Anyone still interested needs to add my gamertag and message it!

Joey Rafael Quiles


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